Stream Study Links

Newer Links

I am not really updating this page anymore. Newer links are available at the stream section of my Science Links Page. Newer mapping links are in the mapping section. The final Ridley Creek Stream Report is also available.

Pennsylvania DEP Lists and Maps

The Southeast Regional Office of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has a map of chester county streams a list of their names. They also have a list of the rating of each stream in Chester County.
The DEP has a 7 part report, apparently the PA 305(b) report (see below): Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

EPA Publications

Office of Water Publications has lists of their publications, including those from The Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, some of which are online.

The EPA has a number of links to their publications on America's Water Resources, one of which is the 305b report.

As part of the EPA's 305b report, The Quality of Our Nation's Water Resources, it has a 48 Page National Summary of Water Problems, 1994. There are also State Fact Sheets, which of course includes 2 Pages on Pennsylvania Water Quality, with a good map. There is also a subsection on the Delaware River Basin Comission.

EPA also has a good publication on Environmental Indicators of Water Quality.

Other EPA Information

The WMD Region 3 doesn't have much on their home page, but hopefully they will soon.

The EPA has information on Volunteer Monitoring, Data, and Tools.

The EPA's STORET System is for retrieving environmental data, but it can only be ordered by mail.

USGS Hydrologic Data

There is a lot of Hydrologic Information available for this area from the USGS Pennsylvania Water Resources Site and the USGS National Water Resources Site.

The USGS Pennsylvania Water Resources Site has current streamflow conditions for Delaware River Basin Stations (part of Pennsylvania Current Streamflow Conditions, which is part of USGS Real-Time Hydrologic Data).

The USGS National Water Resources Site offers historical data from the United States Surface-Water Data Retrieval system, which includes the Pennsylvania Surface-Water Data Retrieval system. This includes all the Gaging Stations in Chester County.

The links to these stations come from both of the above sites:

The USGS also has a National Water Conditions map, which shows whether streamflow has been above or below normal for the previous month.

The MARFC Archives, located at Penn State, has official hydrometeorological statements for all of 1996 for the state of Pennsylvania.

The National Water Data Exchange has links to much of the data mentioned above and more.

There is also a tremendous amount of software available from the USGS for doing all sorts of things.

The USGS also offers Selected Water Resources Abstracts of published articles for many years.

The USGS also has some publications including an article on Stream Water Quality Trends.

Geographic Information Systems Information/Data

The USGS Pennsylvania Water Resources home page, which contains the Pennsylvania Current Streamflow Conditions mentioned above, also has some Digital Datasets for GIS programs.

Especially Important Links: (I separated them very quickly, so...)
ArcView Version 1.0 Download Details, ESRI
USGS: Geo Data

Other Links:
EPA - Data Systems and Software
EPA National GIS Program
Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model, Windows (QUAL2E)
U.S. EPA Node of National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (GIS data)
PA GIS Digital Geographic Library (Major Rivers)
US EPA Region III: GIS Home Page
EMAP MAIA Geographic Reference Database (GRD)
Internet Resources
USGS Mapping Information: Home Page
USGS: Geo Data
PA GIS Digital Geographic Library (Major Rivers)
USGS Node of National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse

Last Modified: Friday, December 27, 1996

(David Baron's Home Page)