backface-visibility exploratory tests

Most basic case of child content (block with width and height) in an element with backface-visibility: hidden. hidden in all engines and per spec.
Case 1 modified by adding will-change: transform on the inner block. hidden in spec, Gecko, and WebKit; visible in Chromium.
Case 1 modified by having preserve-3d on the outer so that the inner is in its 3-D rendering context, and adding a no-op transform on the inner. hidden in Chromium and WebKit and per spec; visible in Gecko.
Case 3 modified by changing the inner transform so that it rotates the inner so it's visible again. visible in all engines and per spec.
Case 4 modified by putting an additional div between the inner and the outer. visible in Gecko and per current spec (although there's discussion of changing the spec, in particular the rules for what is in the same 3-D rendering context); hidden in Chromium and WebKit.
Case 5 modified to add transform-style: preserve-3d to the middle div. Same results as case 4.
A case where an 80 degree rotation, combined with perspective, causes the back of an element to face the user. hidden in Chromium and WebKit (and probably per spec), visible in Gecko.
Variant of case 7, with preserve-3d added. hidden in all engines (and probably per spec).
Test whether descendants of elements with backface-visibility can participate in a 3-D scene and become visible again (once rotated to be forward-facing). visible in Gecko and per spec; hidden in Chromium and WebKit. Some discussion about changing spec. (Was I thinking this was the stacking context issue? I'm not sure it is...)
Variant of test 1 where the inner element is now backward-facing. hidden in Chromium and Gecko (and per spec), visible (!!!) in WebKit.
Variant of test 1 where the inner element is still forward-facing but no longer has backface-visibility: hidden. hidden in Chromium and WebKit, visible in Gecko and per spec. Some discussion about changing spec.
Test whether descendants of elements with backface-visibility can participate in a 3-D scene geometrically. Interoperable, and agrees with spec. This means changing backface-visibility to a grouping property seems likely to be quite risky since it would change the interoperable behavior on this test.