The styles here are the following:
H2 {color: black;} H2[title] {color: aqua;} H2[title=Hello] {color: blue;} H2[ title ~= "Hello" ] {font-family: sans-serif;} H2[title~= "World"] {color: green; } H2[title ~ = "World"] { color: red; } /* this is invalid; does nothing */ P[lang="en"] {font-family: sans-serif;} P[lang= "en-US" ] {text-transform: capitalize;} P[lang |=en] {color: purple; } div[lang|="en"] { color: green; } DIV[TITLE="Test"] { color: red ! important; } DIV[ TITLE= "Test One"] { color: blue; } DIV[TITLE=Test One] { color: red; } /* this is invalid; does nothing */ DIV[TITLE~="Test"] { background-color: yellow; } DIV[TITLE~="Test"][TITLE~="Two"] { color: maroon; } DIV[TITLE~="Test"][CLASS="three"] { background-color: aqua; } *[lang=es] { color: red; background-color: green; }
Note: Any effects that are not described should not occur!
Tiuj vortoj devas esti normalaj (?).
This sentence should be purple and sans-serif.
This sentence should be purple and capitalized.
This sentence should be purple.
This blockquote should be the default color. - David Baron
Estas palabras deben ser rojas, sobre un fondo verde. (The spanish text should be red, on a green background, as should this text.)
(Back to CSS Testing Information, David Baron)