Inline layout test, version 1.0


This test tests the vertical formatting of inline boxes. It is not meant to be a comprehensive test. It only tests the hardest aspects of the inline box model -- the ones that none of the browsers available today gets right. This test is modeled in some ways after Todd Fahrner's boxacidtest, that is, it only tests the core set of features in a certain small area, but a browser that passes it is likely to handle a larger set of features very well (unless it was written to pass the test).

The basic test

This test tests only CSS1 properties, although it uses the CSS2 definitions of those properties. Some of the CSS1 definitions were not clear enough to define a required outcome as definite as this test describes (mainly the exact meaning of vertical-align). However, CSS2 does state the relevant rules, so any CSS2-conformant browser should easily pass this test. (There was one error in CSS2: the spec fails to mention that for the purposes of padding, border, and margins, the height of the element comes from the font-size, not the line-height, so the top of the element is the top of the font and the bottom of the element is the bottom of the font. This was stated in CSS1, and I have been told it will soon appear on the errata list for CSS2.)

In the following div, there should be straight green horizontal lines, 2px wide, above the first line of text, between all lines, and below the last line, up to the beginning of the xs. These lines are created by top and bottom borders, and these borders should always overlap and should always be straight. (There may be a few gaps around font size changes.) The text itself should show considerable variations in font size and vertical alignment. See the reference rendering at the bottom of the page for an example of correct layout. Note that font size differences could make the line breaks be at slightly different places. Also note that if font-size substitutions are made because a font in a certain size is not available, the test is no longer valid.

A sequence of ten xs indicates where I expect a line break to be. It's fine if all ten of the xs are on the end of the old line rather than the beginning of the new line, but if anything after the xs is on the old line, then that's a problem. If your browser is showing a line-break somewhere else, but seems to be showing the rest of the test with some accuracy, let me know, and send me a screenshot. If the line breaks aren't where the xs are, then the test results are not valid. Also, please let me know if you find any errors in the CSS, i.e., anything that would cause the green lines not to line up in a CSS2-conformant browser. My email address is

Text is an important part of visual layout. x x x x x x x x x x The alignment of text on the page is very x x x x x x x x x x important for the correct formatting of x x x x x x x x x x words. How does this text look?

The above test should agree with the reference rendering below, except for the exact location of line breaks. Note that the reference rendering has a slight error: all of the fonts are slightly too big, and there is not enough room at the top for accent marks.

[Reference Rendering Image of Above Test]

The following may also be useful, since it shows edges and padding.

[Reference Rendering Image of Above Test]

The advanced test

Well, if any browser ever passes the above test, let me know, and I will write the advanced test. This will include tests of relative and absolute positioning, background colors and images (and background-position and background-attachment, word-spacing, setting of display to inline, and display: run-in.

Valid HTML 4.0!Valid CSS!

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