Test of left

This test needs a much clearer description of expected results. In particular, it needs descriptions of the size of the red boxes.

This paragraph is in its normal position within the div.

This paragraph should be offset 50px to the right of its normal position.

This paragraph should be offset 40% of the width of the red-bordered div to the right of its normal position.

This paragraph should have double the font size of the other paragraphs and should be offset double its font-size to the right of its normal position.

This paragraph is in its normal position within the div.

This paragraph should be offset 100px to the right of its normal position.

This paragraph is in the normal position for the following tests. This test and all that follow have width 400px. This one should be at the left edge of its contaning div.

This paragraph should be offset 50px to the right of its normal position.

This paragraph should be offset 40% of the width of the red-bordered div to the right of its normal position.

This paragraph should have double the font size of the other paragraphs and should be offset double its font-size to the right of its normal position.

This paragraph is in its normal position within the div.

This paragraph should be offset 100px to the right of its normal position.

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LDB, dbaron@dbaron.org