On to Why adding compositing and blending to CSS is harder than it looks
prefixesAt Mozilla we value the Web having content that works across multiple browsers. This allows competition between browsers, which leads to better results for users of the Web.
Recently vendor prefixes have contributed to content that doesn't work in multiple browsers. We've been working on using prefixes less. But we still have the problem of removing support for vendor-prefixed properties that we currently support. We want to remove this support because we don't want the Web locked in to Mozilla-specific content. But when we remove support for features, it does sometimes break pages.
We've supported unprefixed
CSS Transforms,
CSS Transitions, and
CSS Animations,
and the border-image property,
for a while now. So at some point soon we'd like to remove support
for the older -moz-
prefixed forms. Since these properties
were commonly used, I've added
for user preferences that allow
authors and users to test that pages work correctly once the support for
these prefixed properties is removed.
These preferences, introduced in Firefox 19, are:
and they can be modified by going to the URL
in Firefox, searching for
, and toggling the preferences to turn off
support for these prefixed properties (while leaving support for the
unprefixed properties):
You can help the Web remain browser-agnostic by testing with these preferences to make sure pages that you've written, or pages that you care about, work correctly without these browser-specific properties (by using their unprefixed forms).
Update (17:35): I realized that the patch doesn't
disable support for @-moz-keyframes
. I'll get that change
in to Firefox 22; until then, it's probably not worth testing the
preference extensively.
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