Dynamic Pseudo-Classes on elements other than links: Javascript demonstration

This is text in the div with class one. When the user is activating this div (that is, probably pressing the mouse button within it), including, I think, within a child element, the background of this div should turn red.

This is text in the p with class one. When the user is activating this p (that is, probably pressing the mouse button within it), including, I think, within a child element, the background of this p should turn green. This is a span within the p with navy text. It's should turn aqua when active.

This is text in the div with class two. When the user is hovering over this div, including, I think, within a child element, the background of this div should turn red.

This is text in the p with class two. When the user is hovering over this p, including, I think, within a child element, the background of this p should turn green. This is a span within the p with navy text. It's should turn aqua when in hover state.

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LDB, dbaron@dbaron.org