Good document style

Cascading stylesheets are only useful for semantic markup languages, such as HTML or many applications of XML. Although they can be used to style arbitrary XML elements, their full power is only available when styling markup with known meaning. The known meaning of markup allows the UA defaults and the user's preferences to help create an interface to which the user is largely accustomed.

Valid or well-formed documents

CSS depends on the tree structure of a document. Therefore, it is essential that SGML (including HTML) documents be valid and XML documents be at least well-formed, if not valid as well. If a document's structure is ambiguous, styles cannot be applied in any sensible manner.

Because of browser bugs, there are additional constraints that should be met by HTML documents. These constraints are similar to the well-formedness constraints in XML. Authors should avoid tag minimization and omission. Omitting optional tags, by far the more common of these practices since it is largely supported by browsers, can cause problems in early CSS browsers whose parsers were not based on the (correct) document tree model. Thus it is better to write:

	<title>Page title</title>

	<li>list item</li>
	<li>list item
			<li>sublist item</li>


than the following, even though both are correct:

<title>Page title</title>

	<li>list item
	<li>list item
			<li>sublist item


There are two major HTML validators on the web: the W3C HTML Validator and the HTMLHelp validator.

Semantic markup

Most elements in HTML have accepted meaning. For example, blockquote is used to represent quotations, ul and li represent unnumbered list items, table and other elements represent tabular data, etc. Don't use elements in a way for which they were not intended just because you like the formatting of those elements on your browser. Instead, write HTML that represents the logical structure of the document, and then style it. This will make your pages much more accessible to all users: blind users, users browsing on small portable devices, etc.

The web is not a desktop publishing medium. If you can't get the layout that you want given current browser's support for CSS, don't completely redesign the document. (Considering current poor support for CSS, though, small changes are reasonable.) Instead, figure out a layout that can be suggested using CSS.

Using images to represent text is even worse than using presentational markup. But if you must do so, at least use good alt attributes.

Good class names

For their own benefit, authors should use class names that convey meaning rather than presentation. Doing so makes sites easier to maintain. <div class="warning"> is much better than <div class="boldred">. The author may, in the future, decide that warnings should be italic and blue.

There have been some attempts to make a standard set of classes. None has been very successful. [Does anyone have more information on these?] A standard set of classes would be useful to prevent loss of information when a style specific to a class is overridden by an !important rule in a user stylesheet.

Related resources

Valid HTML 4.0!

(Up to User Stylesheets Guide, CSS, David Baron)

LDB,, 1999-08-12