bD0Washington University Data Archive
bD0Oak Software Repository
bD1Shareware Zone, Galt Shareware Zone, hottest shareware downloads, reviews, free newsletter
bDsimtel FTP Server
bDuu FTP Server
bDgate FTP Server
bDwustl FTP Server
bD! U.Vision Hardware and Software Computer Search !
bDWelcome to - A better way to Buy Software
bDThe Dave Central Software Archive
bDDownload Free Microsoft Software (categorical listing)
bDNetManage Download Gallery
bDSoftware Net
bDshareware Telnet
bIb0Java(TM) Plug-in 1.2
bIbBrowserWatch - Plug-In Plaza!
bIbWebTV - Design
bIbFriBidi - a Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm
bIbICE Browser 5 - Download
bIbICEsoft, manufacturer of a browser component in Java
bIbiShark - a new web browser - just a shell for Internet Explorer
bIbMicrosoft Digital TV WebTV Viewer
bIbNCSA Mosaic Home Page
bIbNCSA Mosaic Home Page (XWindows) (Windows) (Macintosh)
bIbDownloading NCSA Windows Mosaic
bIbNCSA's Software Development Group
bIbNCSA Mosaic Announcements
bIbold browser downloads
bIbTranDyne - Products - iXB Page, WEB Browser
bIbTranDyne - Products - iXB Page, WEB Browser
bIbm0WiDGets for IE4 - add-ons by Liam Quinn
bIbm0MS Internet Explorer
bIbm0Internet Explorer Windows Home
bIbm0MSIE Security Updates
bIbm2MSIEs CSS-based rendering system
bIbmWelcome to Internet Explorer 5
bIbmChris Wilson - post about his Alternate stylesheets UI
bIbmCross-Browser Cheat Sheet for Authors - some very bad features of IE5
bIbmMicrosoft Bug Report Form
bIbmInternet Explorer Cascading Style Sheets - very badly explained
bIbmAbsolutely Positioned Table in a Table Cell Rendered Incorrectly - microsoft documentation of a CSS2 bug(?) - may document some other bugs than MS thinks
bIbmInternet Explorer 5 Tips & FAQ's
bIbmFree downloads - TrueType core fonts for the Web - Euro Support
bIbmChris Wilson's Universe
bIbmInternet Explorer - Resource Kit
bIbmInternet Explorer Products Download
bIbmInternet Explorer News
bIbmInternet Explorer 4.0 -- Power Toys
bIbmAdding to Internet Explorer Context Menus
bIbmDeveloper Preview of Internet Explorer 5
bIbmOutlook Bug Fix Developer Preview of Internet Explorer 5
bIbmInternet Explorer Support & Feedback
bIbmInternet Explorer Support Center
bIbmMicrosoft Internet Products
bIbmDownload Free Microsoft Software (categorical listing)
bIbmInternet Explorer 5.0 for Win 95-NT 4.0
bIbmInternet Explorer 5.0 Developer Preview Download
bIbmMSIE Bug Report
bIbmInternet Explorer 5.0 Developer Preview Release on SBN
bIbmMicrosoft Support for Web Standards - by Microsoft!
bIbmInternet Explorer - Home User Tips and Tricks
bIbmWhat's New in IE 5 Beta
bIbmshowModalDialog Method
bIbmshowModelessDialog Method
bIbmAdding Entries to the Standard Context Menu
bIbmIE5 Easter Egg
bIbn0Remote Control of UNIX Netscape
bIbn1Netscape Bug Report Form
bIbn1Netscape Home Page
bIbn90Netscape's ftp sites: ftp, ftp2, ftp3, ftp4, ftp5,
bIbn91ftp6, ftp7, ftp8, ftp9, ftp10, ftp11, ftp12, ftp20
bIbnNetscape DevEdge - Download Software
bIbnNetscape - Known Bugs
bIbnNavigator-Communicator Bug Report Form
bIbnNetscape Home
bIbnRemote Control of UNIX Netscape
bIbnJava Sound for Linux Communicator 4.6
bIbnLicense Boilerplate
bIbnNetscape Products Download Netscape Products
bIbnNetscape Easter Eggs
bIbnn0NGLayout Project
bIbnn0Project Seamonkey
bIbnn1tinderbox SeaMonkey
bIbnn1nglayout what's new
bIbnn1Seamonkey Milestones
bIbnn1MozillaZine! - get Builds
bIbnn4Debugging Mozilla on Linux FAQ
bIbnnXUL Example Guide
bIbnnBugzilla component description
bIbnnBugzilla bug 12659 - beta issues
bIbnnMozilla Cross-Reference
bIbnnBonsai - SeaMonkey
bIbnnBugzilla Main Page
bIbnnBetter Current NGLayout Bugs List
bIbnnList of Current NGLayout Bugs
bIbnnEnter an NGLayout Bug
bIbnnAll Current NGLayout Bug Reports
bIbnnNetscape Gecko
bIbnnOpen Directory Project
bIbnnDownload CVS
bIbnnNetscape Products Browsers Communicator and Navigator -- Future Versions
bIbnnBrowsers Designed for the 21st Century - a Netscape page
bIbnnNetscape Standards Challenge
bIbnnREADME for the Java interfaces to the DOM in Mozilla
bIbnnDownload NGLayout
bIbnnAngus Davis
bIbnnKipp E.B. Hickman's Home Page
bIbnnMozilla builds - more
bIbnnBefore You Ask Eric Krock Page - from the Gecko project manager
bIbnnPNG Support in Mozilla
bIbnnPNG Support in Mozilla
bIbnnCVS on Windows 95-NT
bIbnnExtending Mozilla Tutorial
bIbnnProyecto N.A.V.E. - Mozilla[es] - Versiones en Castellano de Mozilla
bIbnnGecko-Builders List
bIbnnWebmonkey browsers The Browser of the Future Needs Your Help! - about NGLayout etc - good article about how to help
bIbnnMozilla Control - Mozilla in Java binaries
bIbnnHow to write a good bug report
bIbnnthe community
bIbnnsource code via cvs
bIbnnL10n Library
bIbnnMozilla i18n & L10n Guidelines
bIbnnPerignon - The DOM be stylin' - CSS in the old Mozilla
bIbnnSeaMonkey Message Compose UE Spec
bIbnnNGLayout Project
bIbnnNGLayout Project Technical Documentation
bIbnnNew Layout Parsing Engine
bIbnnNew Layout Style System
bIbnnNGLayout Project Getting Involved
bIbnnNGLayout Project Screen Shots
bIbnnnglayout Test Cases
bIbnnCSS Test Matrix
bIbnnNGLayout Windows Build Instructions
bIbnnNGLayout and XML
bIbnnModule Owners
bIbnnWebShell Redesign
bIbnnFonts and Unicode in Mozilla
bIbnnNecko schedule
bIbnnCode Reviewer's Guide
bIbnnMozilla QA Home Page
bIbnnInternational QA
bIbnnInternational QA
bIbnnM10 International Status
bIbnnQuality Assurance Contacts
bIbnnXML in Mozilla
bIbnnXUL <template> reference roadmap
bIbnnxpidl - a tool for generating XPCOM interface information status update
bIbnnXPToolkit Cross-Platform UI Toolkit
bIbnnApplication Core
bIbnnhttp// - How do I create an application core
bIbnnMenu Button Requirements
bIbnnWidgets We Need
bIbnnXPToolkit GFX-based Widgets
bIbnnWidget Implementations
bIbnnThe XPToolkit
bIbnnThe Box System - in XUL
bIbnnXUL and RDF The Implementation of the Application Object Model
bIbnnMultiDocZilla - Citec is taming the World Wild Web
bIbnnGecko's Realm
bIbnnBrowser Foes Drop Enmity to Run Start-Up Together - Angus Davis and others
bIbnnPHP3 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
bIbnnGecko Screenshots
bIbnnUnicode Technical Report - Line Breaking
bIbnnHelping with NGLayout
bIbnnMozilla Navigator 5.0 Binaries
bIbnns1Mozilla Source Root
bIbnnsMozilla Source Search
bIbnnsmozilla/nsprpub/pr/include/md/ - operating system configurations
bIbnnsmozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/samples/ - HTML tests
bIbnnsmozilla identfier search "SetContentState" - has to do with :hover and :active and :focus
bIbnnsmozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsBlockFrame.cpp - block reflow
bIbnnsmozilla/xpcom/io/ - nsFileSpec stuff (which has file:/// bugs)
bIbnnscmozilla-base-src-nsString.cpp - includes Unicode functions
bIbnnscmozilla-base-src-nsString.h - includes Unicode functions
bIbnnscmozilla/cmd/winfe/nsapp.cpp - builds the Version name in windows
bIbnnscmozilla/cmd/xfe/mozilla.c - user_agent string for X
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/base/public/nsStyleConsts.h - all the constants for CSS Styles
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/base/src/nsPresShell.cpp - ??
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsHTMLAtoms.cpp - the HTML Atorms
bIbnnscmozilla-layout-html-base-src-nsIHTMLReflow.h - real HTML Layout
bIbnnscnsInlineReflow.cpp - vertical alignment within inline boxes
bIbnnscmozilla-layout-html-base-src-nsInlineReflow.h - inline layout
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsTextTransformer.cpp - text transformations (Uppercase and Lowercase) - needs i18n
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/content/src/nsHTMLFontElement.cpp - monospace
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/document/src/nsHTMLContentSink.cpp - part of the HTML parser core
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/document/src/nsHTMLContentSink.cpp - Load Style Sheet
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSKeywords.cpp - supported CSS Keywords
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSParser.cpp - CSS Parser
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSParser.cpp - the CORE of the CSS Parser
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSParser.cpp - the core CSS Parser
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSProps.cpp - supported CSS Properties
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSRendering.cpp - The CSS Drawer
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSStyleRule.cpp - define handling for all style properties
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSStyleRule.cpp - parses the CSS properties
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSStyleRule.cpp - monospace
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/tools/ lists of supported HTML tags and CSS properties and values
bIbnnscmozilla/network/module/nsINetContainerApplication.h - functions for HTTP env vars etc
bIbnnscmozilla/network/module/nsNetService.cpp - some AppVersion stuff for Mariner
bIbnnscmozilla/network/module/nsNetService.cpp - network code that deals with AppVersion
bIbnnscmozilla/network/module/nsNetService.cpp - new location of version number
bIbnnscmozilla/network/module/nsURL.cpp - URL handling
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/src/nsDocLoader.cpp - loads the UA StyleSheet
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/src/nsWebShell.cpp - the core of the NGLayout viewer
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsViewerApp.cpp - Core of the NGLayout Viewer - has command line args
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsViewerApp.cpp - has the version number
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsWebCrawler.cpp - initializes nsWebCrawler class
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsWebCrawler.h - nsWebCrawler class - variables stored for viewer app
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsWinMain.cpp - the WinMain() procedure for the NGLayout viewer
bIbnnscmozilla/xpfe/xpviewer/src/ - The XP viewer
bIbnnscmozilla/htmlparser/src/nsViewSourceHTML.cpp - the View Source code
bIbnnschttp// - calculates position of absolutely positioned element
bIbnnscmozilla/network/protocol/ - network protocols
bIbnnscmozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsPresShell.cpp - alternate stylesheet functions
bIbnnscmozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsBrowserWindow.cpp - alternate stylesheet selection in viewer
bIbnnscmozilla/xpfe/AppCores/src/nsJSBrowserAppCore.cpp - BrowserAppCore methods
bIbnnsi1mozilla/dom/public/idl/ - the DOM
bIbnnsimozilla/xpfe/AppCores/idl/ - the AppCore interfaces used in writing JS for XUL
bIbnnsimozilla/dom/public/idl/base/ - the window object, etc.
bIbnnsimozilla/rdf/base/idl/ - RDF interfaces
bIbnnsimozilla/rdf/content/public/idl/ - the XUL DOM
bIbnnsimozilla/xpfe/AppCores/idl/ - AOM Interfaces
bIboOpera Bug Report
bIcsSLRN --- A Powerful NNTP Based Newsreader
bIcsslrn documentation
bIcsSLRN Internal Variables
bIsa0Apache 1.3 documentation
bIsa2The Java Apache Project
bIsaApache HTTP Server Project
bIsaApache Project
bIsaApache 1.3 documentation
bIsaApache Content Negotiation
bIsaApache Server Frequently Asked Questions
bIsaApache module mod_mime - AddLanguage
bIsaApache module mod_negotiation
bIsaApache module mod_setenvif
bIsaApache module mod_include
bIsaApache URL Rewriting Guide
bIuDirectory of /pub/adobe/acrobatreader/unix/3.x
bIuA Real Validator -- True HTML Validation on Windows
bIuIke.M Kimiko Html Editor Overview
bc0The Cygwin Project
bc0The GNU-Win32 Project
bcegcs project home page
bcREADME 20.2 for Cygwin B20.1 Release.
bcChris Faylor's Home Page
bcEGCS Development Toolchain for GNU-Win32 b19
bcaGNU-Win32 Related Projects
bcoFTP directory -pub-gnu-win32 at
bcoFTP directory -pub-gnu-win32-gnu-win32-b19- at
bdDirectory of /SimTel
bdOAK Archives
bdSunSite FTP Archives
bdaSimtel Virus
bdaUnofficial HomePage for Borland Sprint Editor
bdnUUDeview Home Page - the program as a ZIP file, Alternate download
bf0Unicode fonts for Windows - good collection of Unicode truetype fonts
bfFree downloads - TrueType core fonts for the Web - Microsoft
bfFonts - fonts - utilities - free utilities and TrueType fonts - Microsoft
bh1Dell Computer File Library for our computer
bhDrivers Head Quaters -= The site with all your drivers needs!
bhExtensa 365 Downloads
bhTech Support Files \01. Parent
bhSTB Systems, Inc. Home Page
bhVELOCITY 128 Drivers
bhSTB (Video Drivers) (Powergraph 64 PCI)
bhU.S. Robotics Home Page
bhClient Product Support U.S. Robotics Sportster Files
bhU.S. Robotics Sportster Files
bhU.S. Robotics Sportster Modem File Library
bmiWUSTL Image Archive
bmiWaterfall Image
bt0CTAN-Web Home Page
bt11TtH a TeX to HTML translator
bt1The LATEX2HTML Translator
bt1MiKTeX Project Page - MikTeX is a very good freeware version of TeX (with lots of tools) for win32
bt2The UK TeX Archive Web pages
bt3LaTeX A document preparation system
bt4Latex2HTML (Distribution)
bt4TeX Users Group Home Page
bt6The TeX Catalogue Online, Alphabetically Indexed CTAN Edition
bt7PDFTeX Manual
bt8Word Processors Stupid and Inefficient - argument for LaTeX
btctan FTP Server -"
btDirectory of /ctan/tex-archive/fonts/psfonts
bttsx FTP Server
btKnuth's Books
btKnuth Message about TeX fonts
btIndex of /tex-archive/macros/latex/packages
btIndex of /tex-archive/macros/latex2e/packages
buDirectory of /pub/gnu
buSunSite UNC
buGNOME Project
buGnome Software Map
buFTP Sites for GNU Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
bua0Star Division Online - make StarOffice for Linux
buaElvis 2.0 Documentation (local file) - most thorough VI docs of which I know
buaThe HExMex-Homepage - HTML extensions for EMACS
buaMC - Frontpage
buaThe GIMP Homepage
buaMH & nmh Email for Users & Programmers
buav0The VI Pages - All About VI and its clones - GOOD
buav0The VIM (Vi IMproved) Home Page - GOOD
buav1Visual Editor (vi) A Tutorial - GOOD
buav2vi (VIsual display editor) - ALMOST AS GOOD
buav5Advanced vi Reference - GOOD
buavMastering Regular Expressions
buavRegex-Related Links
buavUsing vi, the Unix Visual Editor
buavVI Set_options
buavAltaVista Simple Query +vi visual editor
buavvi Reference Card
buavUNIX vi Editor
buavvi reference 2
buavVi For Smarties
buavVi For Smarties - Lesson Three - moving lines
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buavvi - Multiple Files and Buffers
buavVI Reference
buavVI --- Visual Editor
buavVI Key Bindings
buavRegular expressions
buavBook: Mastering Regular Expressions Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools
buavBook: Learning the vi Editor
buavperlre - Perl regular expressions
budCVS--Concurrent Versions System
bunSamba Distribution
bunSendmail FTP Site
bunHTTPD Documentation via HTTPD
bunThe NCSA HTTPd Home Page
bundiald discussion
bunAmaya Overview
buoFTP directory -pub-tcsh- at
busMIT distribution site for PGP
bw0WinSite (formerly CICA)
bwDirectory of /developr/drg
bwDirectory of /peropsys/Win_News/FreeSoftware
bwWindows 95 Freeware/Shareware Software Listing
bwWinSite(tm) WWW for Windows
bwSupport Online from Microsoft Technical Support--Advanced View
bwDOWNLOAD.COM -- Welcome - PC
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bwMicrosoft in Higher Education - Products & Pricing
bwMicrosoft Authorized Education Resellers Information
bwWindows 98 Personal Computing Tips and Tricks Guide
bwMicrosoft Products You Can Download 32-bit Shareware Collection
bwInformation on WinSite package
bwaFTP directory -pub-elvis- at
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bwaLotus Development Corporation
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bwaMicrosoft Office 95 Free Stuff Library
bwaMicrosoft Outlook 98 Download Sites
bwaOffice 97 Service Release 1 (SR-1) Patch
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bwnThe Trumpet Winsock Home Page
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bwnWinProxy US (WWW proxy server, mail server and firewall for Windows)
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bwnWinsock Applications FAQ
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bwoWindows Update - for Windows 98
bwoFree Software from MS for Win95
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bwoMicrosoft Windows 95 Software Library
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bwoWindows 95 OEM Service Release 2
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bwoNorton Utilities 3.0 for Windows 95-98
bwoPowerToys Home Page - The Internet's Premiere Windows 95 Web Site Non-Network Shareware
bwv0False Authority Syndrome - an interesting article on information about viruses
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bwvAnti-Virus Tools
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bxnSsh (Secure Shell) Home Page - Netscape Source Code
bxnNCSA Software
bxnDownload NetManage WebSurfer
bxnWelcome to RealAudio !
c00Jargon File Resources - from The New Hacker-s Dictionary
c00Interface Hall of Fame
c00Interface Hall of Shame
c00The Halloween Documents
cApollo Advertising
cThe Year 2038 Bug
cGNN Computers
cPCLT Exit Ramp
cModernized time.h API for ISO C
cMetric Typographic Units
cGNU's Not Unix! - the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
cBCS: Homepage
cLinux International
cYMARK2000 Instructions
cThe Open Source Page
cComputer Corner
cPrecision Timing,Import,Consultation,Computer Time Code Service
c@00Price Watch(tm) - Computer Prices
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c@1Welcome to The PC Zone
c@IBM Refurbished PCs
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c@Dell Computer Corporation
c@Refurbished IBM Equipment
c@ISN - Your Personal Computer Superstore
c@lCircuit City Laptops
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cbWelcome to O'Reilly & Associates
cc00Introduction to PC Hardware
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ccNavas 28800-56K Modem FAQ
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cciCOMP(R) Index 2
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ccHard Drive Western Digital Caviar Series
cccMemory: Dell Dimension XPS Dxxx Systems
cccSpecifications: Dell Dimension XPS Dxxx Systems
cccSpare Parts Ordering
cl0Linux Documentation Project Home Page
cl0The Linux Home Page at Linux Online
cl0Red Hat 6.0 Errata - important updates for RedHat 6.0 users
cl1SCO Operating System User's Guide
cl1UNIX Power Tools, 2nd Edition
cl1Book I. Basic Introduction to UNIX
cl2Red Hat Errata
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clFrom DOS-Windows to Linux HOWTO
clThe Linux Tips HOWTO -- Welcome to the O'Reilly Unix Center!
clLinux Programmer's Guide
clLinux on Laptops
clLinux PR
clThe GIMP Homepage
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cldFTP directory -pub-redhat-redhat-5.0-i386- at
cldRedhat Mailing List Archives
cldRedHat Documentation
cldRed Hat Linux Hardware Compatibility List for Intel-5.2
cldSEUL Simple End-User Linux
clg0GNOME User's Guide
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clgGNOME Project
clgGNOME Software Map
clgGNOME User's Guide
clgGTK+ - The GIMP Toolkit
clgObject Management Group Home Page
clgGTK+/Gnome Application Development
clkKernel Changes (Another Set)
clkCutting Edge Change Listing
clkThe Linux Kernel Archives
clkELKS - The Embeddable Linux Kernel subset
clkLinux kernel changes
clkThe Public Linux Archive
cln[masq] I've read the how-to, and I've tried-to
clnSetting up diald for Linux
clnLinux IP Masquerade Resource (Up to date)
clnLinux IP Masquerade mini HOWTO: Setting Up IP Masquerade
clnLinux IP Masquerading (1997)
clnLinux Internet connections
clnLinux IP Masquerade Resource
cln--Linux IP Masquerade mini HOWTO Setting Up IP Masquerade
clnLinux IP Masquerade mini HOWTO Setting Up IP Masquerade
clnLinux IP Masquerade mini HOWTO
cls0CERT® Coordination Center - many useful sections about computer security
clsDirectory of /pub/linux/security/list-archive
clsLinux-alert and linux-security email archives
clslinux-alert by thread
clsLinux-alert archive
clx0XFree86(TM): Home Page
clxMetro-X Supported Graphics Cards
clxXFree86(TM) Home Page
clxAvailable Documentation
clxInformation for Cirrus Chipset Users
clxAnswers to Frequently Asked Questions about XFree86
clxfxfsft: TrueType Font Support For X11
clxfThe FREETYPE Project
clxfXFree86 Font Deuglification HOW-TO
clxfInformation on RedHat 6.0's font system, which uses xfsft
cm0Ziff Davis
cmPC Magazine File Downloads
cmNC World - Table of Contents - April 1998
cmPC Computings 1001 Tips
cmPC Magazine on the Web
cmWelcome to ZD Net
coEric Raymond's Home Page
coEric's Random Writings
cp1Knuth and LevyCWEB
cp2Go To Statement Considered Harmful, a classic 1968 CS article
cpborland FTP Server
cpBorland International
cpCOM Technologies
cpMSDN Online SDK
cpO'Reilly Catalog & Orders
cpDr. Dobb's TechNetcast
cpc0C++ standard
cpc5Microsoft Visual C++ Product Information
cpcIOCCC Winners
cpcIOCCC Archives - the International Obfuscated C Code Contest
cpcMicrosoft Visual C++
cpcNumerical Recipes in C
cpcMemories - the Previous IOCCC Winners
cpcLeakTracer - trace and analyze memory leaks in C++ programs
cpcC++ Guru of the Week
cpccomp.lang.c FAQ
cpcChecking C Programs with lint
cpcThe Home Page
cpj00The Java Tutorial - all you ever want to know
cpj0Java Technology Home Page
cpjJava: Programming for the Internet
cpjJava(TM) Platform Ports
cpjThe Java Tutorial
cpjJava(TM) Code Conventions Contents
cpjJava(TM) Platform Documentation
cpjJava Developers Kit
cpjThe Java(tm) Developers Kit 1.0.2
cpjJava(tm) Developers Kit Installation
cpjJAVA developer's kit
cpjJava Products and APIs
cpjJDK 1.1.x Documentation
cpjJava(TM) Development Kit 1.1
cpjJava(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition
cpjJava(TM) 2 SDK Documentation
cpjJava(R) Development Kit 1.2.1
cpjJava(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition
cpjJava Look and Feel Design Guidelines
cpjThe Java Tutorial
cpjMSDN Online Library
cpjJava-Linux: Java(tm) Tools for Linux
cpjRelease notes for JDK 1.1.7 for Linux, version 3
cpjJava Special Interest Group
cpjGamelan: Earthweb's Java Directory
cpjMicrosoft SDK for Java
cpjSymantec Java(tm) Central
cpjRisks of Executable Web Content
cplLISP and Its Kin
cplsSICP Web Site - for the book, Struture and Interpretation of Computer Programs
cplsMIT Scheme Release 7.4
cplsThe Scheme Programming Language
cppRegex-Related Links
cppThe Perl Language Home Page
cppActiveState Tool Corp. - Professional tools for Perl developers
cpplibwww-perl WWW Protocol Library for Perl
cppRegular expressions
cppPerl Documentation (5.004beta)
cppPerl Manual
cppperlop - Perl operators and precedence
cppperlre - Perl regular expressions
cpxMicrosoft ActiveX Development Kit
cpxMicrosoft ActiveX Development Kit
cr00Typing Injury FAQ Home Page
cr0Typing Injury FAQ General Information
cr0Typing Injury FAQ Home Page
cr0Typing Injury FAQ/Keyboards
crAssistive Technologies
crPC-Telephony Products by ClearVox
crAccessibility Home Page
crCursor Controls
crSafe Computing Home Page
cr@Ergonomic Products and Services
cr@Product P20244 Info Page
cr@Andrea Electronics Corporation
cr@Andrea Electronics - Headsets
cr@Audio Output Devices(Headphones) Catalog
cr@Safe Computing Home Page home page
cr@Software Net Product Menu
cr@TEOS The Ergonomic Office Store
cr@A.D.A. Solutions by WorkLink presents PRODUCTS for Special Needs, and adaptive and assistive technology
crkText Input Devices
crkThe Dvorak Simplified Keyboard
crkDMB Ergonomics - Kinesis Ergonomic Keyboards and other fine ergonomic products
crkKinesis Corporation
crkKinesis Resellers
crkTelePrint Systems, Inc Home Page.
crv1IBM Software - Speech Recognition
crvIBM VoiceType Dictation
crvDragon Dictate for Windows
crv21st Century Eloquence, the Speech Recognition Specialists. Voice Recognition Product Index
crv21st Century Eloquence's home for Dragon Systems | Main page
crv21st Century Eloquence's home for Dragon Systems | Dragon Dictate Personal Edition
crv1450, inc. - Speech Recognition - Voice Recognition Software and Accessories
crvA2K Voice Recognition, Control & Dictation
crvBeepster - Voice Recognition Links Page
crvReviews: Dragon Dictate 2.0
crvDOWNLOAD.COM -- InteractiVoice
crvVoice Recognition Systems Home Page
crvVoiceType Connection NS Edition - BETA 2a Download
crvIBM VoiceType
crvIBM VoiceType
crvVoiceType Connection Home Page
crvIBM VoiceType Connection for Netscape
crvDragon Dictate for Windows
crv07-98 Voice Recognition Update
crvVoiceRecognition.Org A nice place for the voice recognition community to call home
csUnified CS Tech Reports
csUnified Computer Science TR Index
cu00UNIX Reference Desk
cu1Technical X Window System and Motif WWW Sites
cuBSDI - Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
cucaller id
cuThe new Unix alters NT's orbit - NC World - April 1998
cuThe X Window System
cusSunSoft Support Resolutions Solaris FAQ Database
cusSolaris Products Information
cuwXservers for Windows
cuwXPToolkit Menu Services
cuwX Servers for Microsoft Windows
cuwX Window System Servers for MS-Windows
cw0Microsoft WWW Feedback (Microsoft Support Online - Feedback - Old Link) (Wish Wizard) - These are good for sending bug reports or product suggestions
cw0GNU-Win32 Resources
cwMicrosoft Library - Reference Tools
cwMicrosoft Library
cwSupport Online from Microsoft Technical Support--Advanced View
cwFrank Condron's Windows 95 / Windows NT Page
cwWindows95 Annoyances
cwThe MICROSOFT Network
cwHomeSite for Windows 95 (broken now)
cwMicrosoft Typography Home Page
cwMicrosoft Windows 95 Home Page
cwWindows 95
cwWindows 98
cwA Windows 95 Page
cwWin95 Magazine - The Online Magazine for Users of Windows 95
cwWelcome to WINHQ!
cwThe 1995 Annual Steve Jenkins WINner Awards
cwPC Computing-Home Page
cwnWin95 Networking FAQ C - TCP/IP (Internet)
cwnWin95 Networking FAQ D - Dialup Networking
cwnInternet Explorer
cwnMicrosoft TechNet ITHome
cwnLAN Connection with a Single Modem
cx0SP - James Clark
cxThe SGML-XML Web Page
cxSTG XML Validation Form
cxPK's Commodore 64 Page - LOADs of fun!
cxPK's Commodore 64 Page
dResearch Biology Stream Studies, 1995-1996
daNetscape Standards Challenge
daHandling and Avoiding Web Page Errors - links to me
daDavid Baron's CSS Tests
daMozilla Now Supports All CSS1 Properties!
daNetscape to Release New Browser Engine to Developers - NYT Article where I am quoted (1998-12-07)
daNewsVault Search Results
daNewsVault Search Results
daNewsVault Search Results
daNewsVault Search Results
db10My early news postings - All the articles I posted before dejanews archived (1994/September to 1994/December) and the articles that they didn't archive (1995/July to 1996/August)
db11Deja News - Articles by - 1995/June to 1995/September
db12Deja News - Articles by 1995/October to 1997
db13Deja News - Articles by - 1998/January to 1998/August
db14Deja News - Articles by - 1998/September to around 1999/April (all these included in next query)
db15Deja News - Articles by dbaron@* - 1998/September to Present (However, regexp searches don't seem to work anymore, so this really needs to be replaced by an OR search of dbaron@{login{1,2,3,4,5,6},ice{1,2,3,4},is{01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10}} or something like that.)
dbDavid on FONT, part of the CSS Not-a-FAQ from August 1999: "Inheriting" from a less-specific selector from June 1999: Re: CSS vs XSL, what is going on from March 1999: Vertical alignment: unsolvable and indeterminate cases - one of my most important articles, I think
dbDeja News - Articles by dbaron@* - September 1998 to present
df1My Father (Jon Baron)
df4Doug Davis
df5Andrew Sutherland
df6Mike Sha
dfWes Moore
dfAdrienne Shapiro
dfHarbus Online - articles by John Tolsma occasionally appear
dfDavid Molnar
di00David in front of Lake Michigan, Evanston, Illinois, March 25, 2000, on spring tour with the Harvard Glee Club
di01David in Valley Forge National Park (Valley Forge, PA), April 25 or 26, 1998
di13David at the cantina for his departure from Netscape, December 2001
di14David Baron, Chris Aillon, Steve Elmer, John Morrison, Blake Ross, July 2002
di15David at the March 2003 W3C Plenary
dnWelcome to PREPnet Telnet-In Shell Accounts
dnRemote Access to PennNet
dnPennNet Network Status
dp1European History Links - May 1996
dp2Stream Study Links - December 1996
dp4I wrote large parts of the WSP Review of Opera and the WSP CSS Page - January 1999
dp5I made a few contributions to the WSP Review of IE (November 1998) and the W3C CSS Test Suite
dp9Some parts of the CHS Home Page - mainly the parts that are very old
dw10AltaVista - Links to All very old (not working) DB links
dw10AltaVista - Links to All old (not working) DB links
dw10Altavista - Sites that link to all LDB Sites at Harvard
dw10Altavista - Sites that link to all LDB Sites at UPenn
dw11AltaVista - Links to old DB pages
dw11Sites that Link to IWSIC
dw13Infoseek - Sites that link to all LDB sites at Harvard
dw13Infoseek - Sites that link to all LDB sites at UPenn
dw21HotBot results - Links to IWSIC at FAS
dw21HotBot results - Links to IWSIC at upenn
dw22HotBot results - links to IWSIC - at the old, now unreachable, address
dw23HotBot results - links to older IWSIC - at an unreachable address
dw24HotBot results - older link to IWSIC - at an unreachable address
dw32HotBot results - links to old Philly Weather - at an unreachable address
dw33HotBot results - links to old Tropical page - at an unreachable address
dwExcite Atmospheric Sciences - has link to IWSIC
dwAn interesting list of links on which I appear
dwHTML Validation Results for all of IWSIC - incomplete
dwHTML Validation Results - IWSIC - siteinfo
dwNGLayout Project Team - well, I do a bit of bug testing for them...
dwMeteorology FAQ Part 2-6 Sources of weather data - ask to add IWSIC in fall
dwYahoo! Science: Earth Sciences: Meteorology: Indices
dwExcite Careers & Education Fields of Study Science Earth Sciences Atmospheric Sciences
dwExcite Home Health & Science Channel Science Earth Sciences Atmospheric Sciences
gGNN Government
gC-SPAN Watch And Listen Now
gEINET Government
gcFlorida Government Services DIRECT
gcDisaster Assistance - Improvements Needed in Determining Eligibility for Public Assistance - GAO
gcRPI - Hurricane, ENSO, and Climate Forecasts
gcRisk Prediction Initiative
gcRPI - Weather, Climate, ENSO, etc Links
gcRPI - A Research Agenda for the Next Century
gcThe Natural Hazards Center - Information on Human Adaptation to Disaster
gcGAO Looks at Federal Disaster Mitigation Efforts
gcWelcome to the Department of Environmental Protection
gcFDEP GIS Home Page
gcStarting a Business in Florida
gcGeoPlan Center Home Page
gcInsurance News Network - Recovering from the storm
gcInsurance News Network - Beach and windstorm insurance
gcPenn Library-Journals-Population and Demography
gcPacific Disaster Center
gcCollins Center for Public Policy
gcFlorida Hurricane Insurance
gcGovernment Guide -- The Askew School of PA at FSU
gcYahoo! Business and EconomyCompaniesFinancial ServicesInsurance
gcYahoo! Business and EconomyFinance and InvestmentInsurance
ge0Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections
geIowa Electronic Markets
ghInaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States. 1989.
ghRobert Kennedy speech on King Assassination
gi1Welcome to Europa - the European Union
gi1La Constitución Española de 1978
giThe Euro
giAssociation of Caribbean States - Home Page (English)
giAfrican National Congress
giEastern Africa (Encyclopedia Britannica)
giCroatian Radio Television
giNews from operation "Storm '95"
giKing Hussein of Jordan - A Legacy of Peace - a New York Times photo album
giGobierno de Mexico en Internet
giWorld Trade Organization
giYahoo! GovernmentCountries
giiAll India Radio -- Home Page
giiAll India Radio -- Text News
giiDOORDARSHAN 1998 -- Home Page
giiElection Commission of India
giiPoll Updates Right Page
giiIndiaConnect - Connects India to the World
giiIndia - Indian Elections 98 on IndiaConnect
giiIndiaConnect - Political press briefs from leading newspapers in India (updated daily)
glMarx/Engels Internet Archive: The Library
glDemocratic Socialists of America
glPolitical Quotes - Workers of America
gmHome Page of Ethiopian
gmHome Page of Ethiopian
gmPopulation Conference
gmUnited Nations System
gmUnited Nations System
gmDiplomatic Conference index page in English
gp0Censure and Move On
gp0The New York Times - Campaigns
gp1The New York Times White House 2000 Campaign
gpCNN_TIME AllPolitics
gpThe American Presidential Election - EB
gpCNN/Time AllPolitics
gpClinton, Yes!
gpCampaign '96
gpAnti-Rush Headquarters
gpDemocratic National Committee
gpWho Elected Clinton A Collision of Values
gpWelcome To The Gallup Organization
gpThe Gallup Poll
gpFAIR -- Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
gpVID Input Poll Site
gpB/CS Presidential Campaign Tour & Opinion Page
gpThe MoJo Wire--Interactive Exposés and Politics
gpNational Committee for an Effective Congress
gpAbout the National Committee for an Effective Congress
gpWhiteHouse 2000 (the presidential campaign)
gpWelcome to the 10 Downing Street Web Site
gpThe New York Times - America Under the Gun
gpLoyalty Mystery II - by William Safire
gpPolitical Points
gpPolitics1- The #1 Net Guide to American Politics, Candidates & Parties
gpPolitics1 Presidency 2000 - The Presidential Candidates
gpPolitics1 Directory of U.S. Political Parties
gpPoliticsNow - Resources - Polltrack
gpGOP delegate index
gpVOTELINK Entry Page
gpWelcome to the Democratic Party Web Page
gp@FECInfo Home Page
gppThe TRUTH about Rush Limbaugh. Also, The Way Things Aren't.
gppThe Official Alt.Fan.Dan-Quayle Home Page
gsState of Texas Government
gspPennsylvania Senate WWW Server
gt0Forms And Publications - IRS
gtFile Manager For Forms - IRS
gtPenn Library-Type-Tax Forms
gtPennsylvania Department of Revenue -- Frameset
gtPennsylvania Tax Forms
gu0CapWeb: Guide to the Congress (Unofficial)
gu0The Code of Federal Regulations
gu0U.S. House of Representatives (THOMAS)
gu0United States Code
gu0The White House
guCapitol Advantage
guNational Marine Fisheries Service
guLibrary of Congress
guDeclassified Satellite Photographs
guU.S. Government Printing Office
guNational Archives and Records Administration - Office of the Federal Register
guConnect to GPO Access Databases
guBudget of the US Government, FY 1998: Download documents
guSearch Online Databases via GPO Access
guCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
guPercentages of Urban and Rural Population in the US, 1900-1990
guMetropolitan Areas in the US
gu1997 Fiscal Year Proposed Budget (1996)
guFederal Bureau of Investigation
guThe NASA Homepage
guUnited States House of Representatives
guRepresentative Curt Weldon - Pennsylvania, 7th Congressional District
guInternal Revenue Service
guNational Archives and Records Administration
guWhite House Papers
guGuide to the Supreme Court - from the NYT
guSenators with Constituent E-Mail Addresses
guThe Federal Judiciary Homepage - News and information about the Federal Courts
guUSPS 1996 Postal Rates
guVTW's BillWatch newsletter (
guCommonly Requested Federal Services
guThe White House
guThe Presidents of the United States
gvDemocracy Evolves - GOOD!
gvPolicy Voting Rules
gvDemocracy Evolves - 2
gvNew Democracy compares Approval Voting, Borda Count, Condorcet, and the quotas Droop and Imperiali
gvNew Democracy is a Source of Study Material for Political Change
h0Harvard University; Homepage Site Map (the better version of the homepage)
h1Harvard College
h1TheCrimson Online Forums
h2Office of the FAS Registrar
hHarvard University Telephone and Address Directory
hMIT Digital Orthophoto Browser - All of Harvard - Good Version
hHarvard - Financial Administration - Student Financial Services
hHarvard Coop - General Information
hIcon - a web magazine
hHarvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
hHarvard Freshman Dean's Office
hFAS Academic Calendar 98-99
hHarvard-Radliffe Undergraduate Council
hHarvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government
hHarvard University News Office
hHarvard University News Office
hWelcome to the Coop!
hC0FAS Course Web Pages, 1998-1999
hC0FAS Courses of Instruction 1998-1999
hC1Harvard FAS Final Exams - an official archive - doesn't go as far back as the paper one in Cabot Library
hC20Math 22a Home Page
hC210Physics 16 Home Page
hC211Howard Georgi's home page
hC22EC10 home page
hC23Moral Reasoning 28 Home Page
hC25Math22b Home Page
hC260Physics 15b: Introductory Electromagnetism
hC262Physics 15b Lab Home Page
hCObtaining Aladdin Ghostscript
hCHarvard Digitas - Course Decision Assistant
hCHarvard FAS Final Exams Archive
hCMath. Sci. Info for Undergrads 98-99
hCFirst Year Math and Science Advice
hCEpisode Q: Course Wars
hC15c Lab Home Page
hCGuide to Sciences at Harvard from Harvard Science Review
hI0Office of the Registrar, FAS
hI1Five Year Calendar -- 1997-2002
hI1FAS Courses of Instruction 1998-99
hI2Harvard University Student Handbook 1997-98
hICosts of attendance at Harvard
hICUE Guide Home - the official “unofficial” guide to courses
hIHarvard University Expository Writing Program
hIAdvanced Standing at Harvard and Radcliffe, 1997-1998
hICourse Information
hIFAS Courses of Instruction 1998-1999
hIFAS Student Handbook
hIOffice of the Registrar, FAS
hIFAS Courses of Instruction 1999-2000
hIAcademic Calendar: 1999-2000
hIConfi-Guide - Crimson Guide to Courses at Harvard
ha0OFA PUBLICATIONS - Practice and Performance
ha1Yard Bulletin (Freshman Dean's Office)
haHarvard College Online
haHarvard College Online - Student Life
haHarvard Digitas - Guide to Life at Harvard
haFreshman Music Room
haFrosh IMs - intramural sports
haThe Harvard Film Archive
haThe Harvard Film Archive Calendar
haFresh Pond Enrichment Program
haInstitute of Politics -- Harvard University
hacChoral Auditions 1998
hacHarvard Glee Club Home Page
hacHarvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum
hac1999 Holden Choir Auditions
hacHolden Choir Auditions
hc00Harvard Web Directory - a list of personal web pages at Harvard
hc0HASCS Homepage
hc0Harvard University information technology
hc1Harvard Computer Society
hc2Harvard Digitas
hcGhostscript 5.50 download - get gsv26550-exe
hcHarvard Top Ten - Top Student Web Pages by Hits
hcThe Instructional Computing Group
hcGSview - for Windows and OS2
hcCourse Decision Assistant, 3rd Edition
hcHASCS Announcements -- Web Statistics
hcFAS Web Documentation
hcEnabling Statistics on Your FAS Homepage
hcComputer Info for Incoming Students
hcHASCS Servers
hcFAS Software Installer for Windows 95
hcHASCS Unix Utilities
hd0FAS Divisions, Departments and Committees
hd0FAS Academic Divisions, Departments, and Committees
hdAtmospheric Sciences at Harvard University
hdAtmospheric Sciences at Harvard
hdAtmospheric Dynamics
hdAtmospheric Dynamics
he0Eliot House Home Page
heEliot House Booklet
hl0Harvard College Library
hl0HOLLIS Plus
hl0HOLLIS Plus
hl0Harvard University Library
hlOxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition - Harvard only
hlHarvard Archives Home Page
hlBlue Hill Meteorological Library
hlGordon McKay Library
hlEda Kuhn Loeb Music Library Home Page
hmMeteorology Faculty Research Interests
hmKerry Emanuel's Homepage
hmMIT EAPS Home Page
hmPAOC Home Page
hmSecurity Assessment of the M.I.T. Card
hmHarvard University Art Museums
hmHarvard Museum of Natural History
hmMIT SIPB Home Page
hs0Dormitory Maintenance Requests
hs2interHouse dining restrictions
hsHarvard University Dining Services
hsHarvard University Dining Services - Residential Dining Menu
hsHarvard University Dining - Residential Dining
hsHarvard Yard Operations
hsHSA Cleaners - an independent student-run company
hsIdentification & Data Services
hsHarvard Telecommunications
hsTelecommunications -- Directory
hsTelecommunications - Telephones
hsStudent Mail Forwarding System - free FAX receiving - free FAX receiving - free FAX receiving
ia0The Internet2 Project
ia0CNET - The Net
iaBeyond the MLA Handbook (Harnack-Kleppinger) - Documenting Electronic Sources on the Internet
iaHypermedia and the Internet
iaZen and the Art of the Internet
iaGNN Internet
iaInternet Domain Survey
iaAlan Flavell's Rag-bag
iaWWW & Internet manuals, WWW Demos ( 7-Dec-1995)
iaFrequently asked questions by the Press - Tim BL
iaDomain Name Search
iaConnected: An Internet Encyclopedia
iaInternet Encyclopedia: Contents
iaThe Internet Encyclopedia
iaInternet-Related Legal Resources
iaClariNet Communications Corporation
iaCommerceNet Home (Text Only)
iaInternet Service Providers Directory
iaEnglish - the universal language on the Internet?
iaGoldSite Europe
iaIANA Home Page
iaIn the Beginning was the Command Line - by Neal Stephenson - a very long (and interesting) article
iaInternational Organization for Standardization
iaWebbie Awards - Internet Awards
iaNCSA Access Magazine
iaDigital Timestamps - Punching an Electronic Clock - by Peter Wayner
iaA Parent's View of the World Wide Web as It Reaches Adolescence
iaCyberTimes Education Index
iaTracking the "Crusader Spammer".
iaUUNET Technologies - Directory of resources
iaGlossary of Internet Terms
iaTools for WWW providers
iaWorld-Wide Web Servers
iaWorld-Wide Web Servers: Summary
iaYahoo - Computers and Internet:Internet:Interesting Devices Connected to the Net
iaYahoo - Computers and Internet:Internet:World Wide Web:Best of the Web
iaanic FTP Server
iaaUCLA Internet Weather Report
iaaThe Internet Engineering Task Force
iaaMAE West - Links to Ames (4 x OC3c) - 3 day composite - web traffic patterns
iaaPutting the W's in www - NY Times book review about Tim Berners-Lee's book
ialJelks' Web Links
ialThe Web Design Group's Links
iao0W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium
iao0W3J World Wide Web Journal
iaoIANA Home Page
iaoICANN Home Page
iaoJTC 1 Information technology
iaoAn Outsider's Guide to the W3C - FAQ
iaoW3C Activity Statements
iaoWorld Wide Web Consortium Process Document
iaoW3C World Wide Web Mailing Lists
iaoThe WDVL: WWWhat Happened at WWW8?, the WWW conference held May 11-14, 1999 (1999-05-11/14), in Toronto.
iaoWSSN - World Standards Services Network
iap0Abigails WWW dream
iap0The Web Standards Project
iapThe Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette, by Arlene Rinaldi
iapI'm NOT Miss Manner's of the Internet
iapThe Web is Ruined and I Ruined It - David Siegel
iapThe Internet Archive
iapSaving USENET and Then Some - a good article by Thomas Boutell
iapDecember 1997 - Web Project - The Value of Free Software
iapCoalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
iap10 Big Myths about copyright explained
iapClariNet files suit over Communications Decency law
iapWhy you shouldn't ask for E-mail responses on Usenet
iapPresident Proposes Digital Library for Education
iapCourt Lays Down the Law on Labels for Web Sites - about META tags and a little on domain names - New York Times
iapSenator Murkowski's Junk E-Mail Provision
iapHow I supported the Electronic Frontier Foundation and changed the world.
iapHow To Become A Hacker
iapThe Cathedral and the Bazaar
iapHomesteading the Noosphere
iapRealising the Full Potential of the Web - TimBL
iapSpam Info - How to Use W3C Mailing Lists
iapThe Web Standards Project Action Commitees
iapThe Web Standards Project Resources
iapdevhead Alertbox Archive
ias00The WWW Security FAQ
ias1RFC 2504 - User's security handbook
iasThe WWW Security FAQ
iasMicrosoft Security Advisor Program
iasc01Public-Key Cryptography Standards
iasc1RFC 2440: OpenPGP
iascThe International PGP Home Page
iat10Internet Notes, including RFCs, FYIs, STDs, and BCPs.
iat11W3C Technical Reports and Publications
iatAssigned MIME types
iatMIME Type information
iatRFC 1521 - MIME
iatRFC 1522 - Message header extensions for non-ASCII text
iatInterNIC Info Source
iatOpen eBook - an electronic book standard
iatInternet Services List
iatUnassigned IP addresses - for use in local networks
iatInternet RFCs
iatAcknowledged Submissions to W3C
iatW3C Tech Reports
iaz0Netscape - DevEdge Online - Documentation
iaz0MSDN Online Web Workshop - from Microsoft
iaz1Site Builder Network
iaz1SiteBuilder Workshop
iazDynamic HTML Sample Code - from Netscape
iazDevEdge Online Documentation
iazDevEdge Online - Sample Code, Access & Manuals For Developers
iazNetscape Technical Documents
iazWeb Building - Netscape
iazNetscape's About the Internet
iazDHTML Properties - from Microsoft
iazInternet Explorer -- Authors & Developers
iazMSDN (Microsoft Developer Network)
iazSBN Specs and Standards
iazSpecs and Standards - Microsoft Page

See also Windows Networking Software.

ib50Web Browser Agent Statistics for Adhost Clients
ib51Web Browser Agent Statistics for
ib52Web Browser Agent Statistics for
ib53Web Browser Agent Statistics for
ib54Web Browser Agent Statistics for
ib55Web Browser Agent Statistics for
ib56Web Browser Agent Statistics for
ib57Web Browser Agent Statistics for
ibWebTV Viewer Tool
ibMicrosoft Captures Nearly 10% of Netscape's Browser Market Share
ibWeb Browsers OpenFAQ
ibGVU Center's WWW User Surveys
ibICEsoft - a company that makes a browser in Java
ibDreamweaver Newsletter - Browser Stats
ibStat.Market - Global Statistics
icICQ - World's Largest Internet Online Communication Network
icThe Undernet IRC Network
idOpen Directory - Computers / Internet / WWW / Authoring
idp00Documents about WWW written or recommended by Jukka Korpela
idp01Web pages aren't printed on paper - by John Alsopp
idp02Style Guide for Online Hypertext - Tim BL
idp1The Web-Backlash of 1996 (Alertbox April 1996)
idp1Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design (Alertbox May 1996) (Alternate Link)
idp1The Ten Commandments of HTML FAQ
idp1WAI Accessability Guidelines - Page Authoring
idp1WAI Markup guidelines home page
idp1Master Document - Unified Web Accessibility Guidelines
idp2Alertbox Jakob Nielsen's Column on Web Usability
idpGuides to Writing HTML Documents
idpFONT FACE considered harmful
idpHTML Design for Visually Impaired
idpYale Style Manual - Web Design - Has many bad ideas
idpTop 3 HTML Straw Man Arguments - by Alan Flavell
idpHTML Standards Compliance - Why Bother
idpHTML Standards Compliance - Why Bother?
idpThe WDVL - HTML Standards Compliance - Why Bother
idpBest Viewed With Any Browser
idpBest Viewed With Any Browser Accessible Site Design
idpThe No Frames movement
idpComposing Good HTML (Version 2.0.17)
idpThe Enhanced for Netscape Hall of Shame
idpIf it's slow, SAY SO !
idpWhat's Wrong With FONT
idpWhy not to justify text in web pages - a Microsoft page
idpSurrender to Netscape!
idpChoosing a Web Designer
idpUseless WWW Pages
idpProject Cool
idpThis page optimized for ... - arguing with customers Jakob Nielsen's site (Usable Information Technology)
idpBooks About Web Design and Usability
idpVoice Browsers
idpW3C User Interface Domain
idpPetition for WWW Standards to NS and MS
idpWeb Interoperability Pledge
idpDesigning Web Sites for Multiple Browsers Without Being Bland
idr0Web Review
idtGetstats Documentation
idtThe counter program in Forsmark
iduSearch Engine Tutorial - Design & Promotion
iduSearch Engine Tutorial - Web Design & Promotion
iduSearch Engine Tutorial - Web Design & Promotion - 2
iduSearch Engine Tutorial - Web Design & Promotion - Design
iduSearch Engine Tutorial - META MEDIC!
iduHow To Use Meta Tags
iduSearch Engines & META Tags
iduHotBot Help - How do I find out if my site has been indexed
iduHotBot Help - Common Questions
iduHotBot Help - How do I improve my sites ranking
iduLookSmart Developer's Center
iduLycos Url Finder
iduLycos Help Your Site In Lycos
iduPublicize your home page
iduSubmit It!
iduWebmaster's Domain Gaining the Upper Hand with Rude Robots (Web Techniques Magazine, May 1998)
iduYahoo - Computers and Internet:Internet:World Wide Web:Announcement Services

See also Font Downloads.

ifCyberbit 2.0 Readme - a font with large portions of Unicode
ifTypesetting practices #1
ifRe TrueType Fonts for MATH
ifWeb Review -
ifThe FREETYPE Project - A TrueType font library
ifFont Selection
ifCore fonts for the World Wide Web - Microsoft free fonts
ifMicrosoft Typography
ifRecommended fonts for web pages
ifTrueType Typography
ifn0W3C Internationalization and Localization
ifn2Unicode Charts - PDF charts showing all the characters in Unicode
ifn3The Unicode Standard, version 3.0
ifn510th IUC languages - great Unicode test and demo pages
ifnFTP directory -Public-UNIDATA- at
ifnCharacter entity references in HTML 4.0
ifnUnihan Database - part of Unicode charts
ifnUnicode, BDF Fonts
ifnISO 8859 Alphabet Soup
ifnFriBidi - a Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm
ifnInternet Internationalization and Other Specs
ifnNotes on HTML Internationalisation (i18n)
ifnutf8site - Unicode Charts to test browser
ifnHTML 4.0 special characters - test files
ifnA character set smorgasbord
ifnThe Euro and Standardization
ifnLists of foreign characters which can be inserted into an HTML document.
ifnWIK - Annotated Table of Characters
ifnTenth International Unicode Conference - Unicode UTF-8
ifnUnicode Online Data
ifnUTR 8 - The Unicode Standard - v2 1
ifnThe Unicode Standard, Version 2.0
ifnW3C I18N Language taging in HTML and XML
ig0HTTP-NG project
igRFC 2296 - HTTP Remote Variant Selection Algorithm -- RVSA/1.0 (experimental)
igRFC 2387 - The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type
igapplication/http-index-format specification - a simple (old) spec for a directory listing format
igHTTP Header Viewer - from
igLibwww - the W3C Sample Code Library
igNetwork Performance Effects of HTTP-1.1, CSS1, and PNG
igShort and Long term Goals for the HTTP-NG Project
igd0Netcraft Web Server Survey - server usage statistics
igd1Netcraft - Web Server Sites
igdPublic CVS tree from W3C - (Public CVS tree from W3C -libwww)
igdwwwstat -- Distribution Information
igdNetcraft Web Server Survey
igdAnalog - WWW logfile analysis
igdStatus of the W3C httpd
igdLogging in W3C httpd
igdW3C Libwww Documentation
igdW3C Library Source Code
igdThe W3C libwww Web Commander GUI Tool
igs0RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP 1.1)
igs0RFC 2616: HTTP 1.1
igs1Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Next Generation Overview
igsHTTP 1.1 IETF draft standard

See also the sections on Browser Testing and Compatibility and HTML Validators.

ih0W3C's HTML Home Page
ih0W3C: HyperText Mark-up Language
ih1Project Cougar (HTML 4)
ihOpen Directory - Computers / Data / Formats / Markup / Languages / HTML
ihHTML Working Group Voyager Issue Tracking System
ihWeb Review - HTML
ihThe HTML Writers Guild
ihWorld Organization of Webmasters
ihXHTML.ORG: A source of information about XHTML
ihatroff2html: a troff to HTML translator (version 1.4)
ihaCYAN -- Online HTML validator and beautifier
ihademoroniser - “correct moronic and gratuitously incompatible Microsoft HTML”
ihaW2CSS Converting Word Documents to CSS compliant HTML
ihaInternet Authoring Software
ihaSoftQuad: HotMetaL Free for Windows
ihaClean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY
ihg0Charles F. Goldfarb's SGML Source Home Page from October 1999: Re: Doctypes, Declarations, and HTML Versions (by Arjun Ray)
ihr00HTML Help by The Web Design Group
ihr01HTML 4.0 Reference
ihr0An explanation of HTML
ihr0Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples - by Jukka Korpela
ihr0HTML primer - Jukka Korpela
ihr1WDVL - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Web Technology
ihr1Introduction to HTML - by Eric Meyer
ihr1The Compendium of HTML Elements - A Reference Manual of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
ihr2The HTML Writers Guild
ihr3HTML Code (sic) Tutorial
ihrCreating a DTD and an SGML Declaration via IBM BookManager BookServer
ihrCreating a DTD and an SGML Declaration 4.1 via IBM BookManager BookServer
ihrHTML Tag Reference
ihrIndex Dot HTML - Advanced HTML Reference
ihrNetscape Extensions to HTML
ihrNetscape - Creating High-Impact Documents
ihrCreating Net Sites
ihrNetscape - Creating Net Sites
ihrHTML - Mining Co
ihrMSDN Online Developer Information and Resources
ihrThe ADV-HTML Archives
ihrPhilip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing
ihrHTML META, REL and REV Tags
ihrThe WDVL - An HTML 4.0 Survey and Reference
ihrWeb Author's FAQ in Plain English - suspect advice
ihrThe WDG's Web Authoring FAQ
ihrMargin notes to HTML 4.0 in Netscape and Explorer
ihrHTML 3.0 vs. NHTML 1.1: table of contents
ihrMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.0 HTML Support
ihrColor Palette
ihrSBN Design
ihrCreating HTML Documents
ihrA Beginner's Guide to HTML
ihrSELFHTML (HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen) - A leading German tutorial; has some errors
ihrThe Web Developer's Virtual Library
ihrHTML Purity - a Meta-FAQ
ihrSELFHTML (HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen) - a well-known HTML tutorial in German
ihrusual & escaped entities
ihrRaggett's 10 minute Guide to HTML
ihrPutting Information onto the Web
ihrHTML 4.0 in Netscape and Explorer -
ihs0ISO/IEC 15445:1999(E) ISO-HTML Final DIS
ihs0W3C Technical Reports and Publications
ihs0HTML 4.0 Specification
ihs1Master Document - Unified Web Accessibility Guidelines
ihs2 (ISO HTML Specification)
ihsHTML 2.0 (RFC 1866)
ihsRFC 2070 - Internationalization of HTML
ihsUser's Guide to ISO-IEC 154451998 HTML (Work in progress)
ihsISO-IEC 154451998 HTML (Work in progress)
ihsHTMLR Internet Draft - a somewhat strange proposal
ihsISO-IEC JTC1-SC4 Home Page
ihsISO-IEC JTC1-WG4 N1955 - additions to ISO 8879 (SGML)
ihsISO-IEC JTC1-WG4 N1966 Announcement of ISO-IEC 15445 availability in HTML
ihsISO-IEC 154451998 HTML (Work in progress) - 2
ihsISO-IEC 154451998 HTML (Work in progress)
ihsISO-IEC 154451998 HTML (Work in progress)
ihsHTML 2.0 Standard
ihsConventions for HTML in Email
iiBell Atlantic Online Services (ISDN and DSL)
iiaDan Kegel's ADSL Page
iiaBell-Atlantic ADSL Homepage
iiaBell Atlantic - Products and Services ADSL
iiiDan Kegel's ISDN Page
iiiBell Atlantic Residential ISDN
iiiResidential ISDN in PA
iiiBell Atlantic ISDN Services
iiiBell Atlantic - ISDN Information Resource
ijDetermining Browser Type and Version with JavaScript - from Netscape
ijThe JavaScript Menu Component
ijOpen Directory - Computers / Programming / Internet
ijMicrosoft - Dynamic HTML
ijMicrosoft - Positioning and Dynamic Positioning
ijMicrosoft - DOM - Managing Style Sheets - Your home for JavaScript and Dynamic HTML on the Web.
ija15 Seconds - site on ASP The most popular ASP resource in the World
ijaWelcome to ASP 101
ijd01Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification
ijd02Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification - Working Draft
ijd0Document Object Model (DOM) - official W3C page
ijdCNET - Web Programming - FreeDOM II: JavaScripting the W3C DOM
ijdOpen Directory - Computers / Programming / Languages / JavaScript / W3C DOM
ijdWeb Review -- The Legion of DOM Exploring the Document Object Model
ijdDocument Object Model Activity - Visualizing DOM Level 1
ije0ECMA - Standardizing Information and Communication Systems
ije1JavaScript Futures
ije1ECMAScript Resources
ije2JavaScript Documentation, from Netscape
ije2ECMA-290 - ECMAScript Components Specification
ijeJavaScript Guide
ijeJavaScript Reference
ijeJavaScript Debugger 1.1
ijeMicrosoft Scripting Technologies - JScript
ijeECMA-262 - ECMAScript Language Specification (PDF File)
ijeJavaScript 2.0
im0Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
imSMIL News
imRealMedia - makes RealPlayer, which handles Real Audio, Real Video, and I think now SMIL
imiInformatik, Inc - Document Imaging and Management, Tiff, Graphics, TIFF Utilities
imigWeb Site LZW Licenses Available from Unisys
imigTransparent/Interlaced GIF Resources
imigAspImage, LZW and the Unisys Patent on GIF/LZW
imip0PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification
imipPNG Information
imipPNG (Portable Network Graphics) Home Site
imipPNG (Portable Network Graphics) Home Site
imipPNG Test Page
imipPNG-supporting Browsers
imipPNG Test Suite
imipPortable Network Graphics
imisSVG in Gnome
imisW3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
imisScalable Vector Graphics (SVG) - W3C Working Draft
imoMNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics) Home Page
imoPDFzone.COM, "Everything you ever wanted to know about Adobe Acrobat and pdf"
in0CNET - The Net
in0GNKSA - a seal of approval for newsreaders
in0U.S. v. Microsoft
inWeb Review - Microsoft Awarded Style Sheet Patent
inWeb Review - Who Owns the Patent to Style Sheets
inCNET - Web Authoring - Emerging Web standards
inWeb98 Web Design & Development Conference - Show - Expo featuring over one hundred training classes and over 150 tool vendors
inW3C StyleSheet Patent Statement
inWeb News (Archive) - a W3C Page
ip0Tim Berners-Lee - the inventor of the WWW
ip1James Clark - author of nsgmls, expat, etc., and contributor to DSSSL, XML, XSL, etc.
is0Web Style Sheets
is1W3C Activity Style sheets
isStyling for HTML and XML
isxml-dev-Jun-1999: By Thread - includes debate on XSL
isAction Sheets (W3C NOTE)
isW3C Note - Action Sheets
isSTSS 3 - Simple Tree Transformation Sheets (W3C Note)
isUsing XSL and CSS together - a W3C Note

See also the sections on Browser Testing and Compatibility and CSS Validators.

isc0Cascading Style Sheets
isc0Cascading Style Sheets, level 1
isc0Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
isc1CSS Bugs and Workarounds - the authoritative page on the subject, from
isc2Positioning HTML Elements with Cascading Style Sheets - Working Draft, incorporated into CSS2
isc3W3C Core Styles
iscCSS1 Properties Quick Reference Table
iscStandard Classes
iscCascading Style Sheets Pointers
iscOpen Directory - Computers / Programming / Internet / CSS
iscCascading Style Sheets Links
iscCascading Style Sheets, CSS - including examples of good pages
iscJan Roland Eriksson
iscFAQ for comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets Mail Archives
iscThe concept of cascading - by Håkon Lie from August 1998 Re OBJECT, inheritance, and rendering - by LDB from December 1998 Lists around floats - by LDB from December 1998 Vertical Alignment of Floats - by LDB from December 1998 Vertical Alignment of Floats, again - by LDB from December 1998 Flow around floats (proposal for float-displace) - by LDB from December 1998 Re Flow around floats (proposal for float-displace) - by LDB from July 1998 Re OBJECT, inheritance, and rendering - by LDB from June 1998 Q More complex page patterns from June 1998 CSS Wish List - Columns - by LDB from November 1998 Vertical Alignment of Floats - by LDB from November 1998 Colors of collapsed margins - by LDB
iscPurpose of www-style from August 1999: Re: padded inline boxes and line boxes (my post)
iscPoetry by Daniel Greene - Good CSS Frames Demo
iscWeb Designer's Guide to Style Sheets
iscNotes toward an optimal CSS UI - Todd Fahrner
iscBeyond the FONT tag HTML text styling in 1999 - by Todd Fahrner
iscStyleServer Development Interface
iscStyleServer Extended Interface
iscCore CSS Development Interface
iscWeb Review Style Sheets Reference Guide
iscCascading Style Sheets Tutorial
iscWhat Can You Do With Style Sheets
iscAbsolute Positioning with CSS
iscCascading Style Sheets - Designing for the Web - book by Håkon Lie and Bert Bos
iscIan Hickson's Internet Projects
iscIan Hickson's www-style Past Suggestions List
iscIndex DOT Css
iscChris Wilson's Universe
iscHTML Goodies--CSS Tutorials - not very good
iscHTML Goodies CSS Reference - not very good
iscGuide to Cascading Style Sheets
iscLinking Style Sheets to HTML
ischwg-style list charters and instructions - also see the archive
iscCSS Frequently Asked Questions, by The HTML Writers Guild. (This has some questionable answers. - LDB)
iscCSS texts and resources
iscStyling for XML - Cascading Style Sheets FAQ - Aural Style Sheets FAQ
iscCSS Demo
iscStephan's Web Workshop - CSS workaround information
iscCSS-1 support in popular browsers
iscMicrosoft CSS Gallery
iscMicrosoft CSS Gallery, a wonderful example of how not to use CSS. (This was designed for IE3.)
iscMSIE CSS Properties Reference
iscSBN Workshop CSS Information
iscInterview with Hakon Lie
iscHåkon's Page - home page of Håkon Wium Lie
iscJust vs Equal Temperament
iscCSS Style Properties
iscCSS Style Properties - Support
iscCSS Examples by Tantek Celik
iscThe Core Style Project
iscAgitprop - by Todd Fahrner
iscThe Amazing Em Unit
iscRaggett's Guide to CSS
iscMulti-column layout in CSS - a proposal
iscSAC: The Simple API for CSS
iscQuick Reference to Cascading Style Sheets, level 1
iscList of suggested extensions to CSS
iscStyle Sheets: CSS, XSL and CSS-OM - Slide list from Bert Bos's talk 1999-05-13, including "CSS3 - most popular proposed features"
iscTowards CSS modularization - Slide list from Bert Bos's talk 1999-05-14
iscCSS Level 1 - a copy of the PR - out of date
iscWeb Review Style Sheets Reference Guide
iscCSS Resources
iscCSS Introduction
iscThe House of Style - John Alsopp
isd0DSSSL - a stylesheet language for SGML (including HTML, of course)
isdIntroduction to DSSSL
isx0eXtensible Style Language (XSL) - the W3C's official page
isxDocproc - An XML+XSL parser in Java
isxthe Koala XSL engine for Java
isxXT - an XSL implementation FAQ - made using XML and XSL
isxMicrosoft - Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
isxMulberry Technologies, Inc.
isxMulberry Technologies, Inc. XSL
isxXSL List ADMINISTRIVIA - Message subject prefixes
isxMulberry Technologies, Inc. XSL-List -- Open Forum on XSL
isxMulberry Technologies, Inc.: XSL-List -- Open Forum on XSL
isxFormatting Objects considered harmful - by Håkon Lie
isxA proposal for the creation of a W3C-recommended transformation language
it0BrowserTune (Alternate Link)
it1Ian Hickson's Evil Test Suite
itInternet Alchemy Reference - Standards - Test Suites
itWWW Viewer Test Page
itUnicode Tests
itWorld Wide Web Test Pattern - compliance tests
itBrowserUser Test Your Own Browser -- ZDNet
itc0CSS1 Test Suite
itc1Style Sheets Compatibility Chart and the Leader Board
itc2Tests de conformité aux CSS 2 - Daniel Glazman
itc99CSS1 Support in MSIE for Macintosh
itc99CSS1 Support in Navigator for Macintosh
itc99CSS1 support in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
itcAn XML + CSS Test
itcCascading Style Sheets Bugs List
itcNetscape - Style Sheets Known Issues
itcTapio Markula's notes on Opera and Mozilla
itcCSS2 List Numbering Demos
itcCSS2 list-style-type tests
itcRijk's CSS Tests
itcNIST CSS1 Tests
itcCSS2 Test Suite - by Tim Boland
itcCSS1 box-acid-test
itcMaster CSS Compatibility Chart
itcIan Hickson's Evil Test Suite
itcCSS Import Test - by Ian Hickson
itc[ANNOUNCE] CSS 2 test suite (french)
itcChris Wilson's Universe - has support for Alternate Stylesheets for IE 4.0
itcThe Hebrew Numbering System
itcSome problems with CSS implementations
itcW3C CSS Test Page
itcCSS support in MS IE 3.0 beta
itcCSS support in MS IE 3.0
itcStyle Watch by HTML with Style - reviews of IE5 and Mozilla
itcWeb Standards Project CSS Bugs in Internet Explorer
itcBrowser Compatibility - John Alsopp
itcCSS Browser Compatability - by John Alsopp
itdDOM Level 1 HTML Tests - Jeremie
itdDHTML Tests - Jeremie
ith0Open Group HTML 3.2 Test Suite
ith0Open Group HTML 3.2 Test Suite
ithHTML Document Test
ithHTML Style Guide and Test Suite
ithWeb Browser Torture Test - rather old
ithHTML 4.0 Test Suite
ithMargin notes to HTML 4.0 in Netscape and Explorer
ithHTML 3.2 Assertions - a test suite
ithExamples of common HTML bugs
ithHTML Form Testing Home Page - out of date
ithBrowser Image Linking Test - tests GIF, JPEG, and PNG with IMG and OBJECT
ithOBJECT test suite
ithOBJECT test suite
ithHTML Conformance Testing
ithHTML Conformance Testing
ithHTML 4.0 in Netscape and Explorer -
itxXML.COM - XML support in IE5
iu0Web Naming and Addressing Overview (URIs, URLs, ...) - the W3C Page
iuURIs (RFC 2396)
iuRFC 1630 - Uniform Resource Identifiers
iuRFC 1738 - Uniform Resource Locators
iuRFC 1808 - Relative Uniform Resource Locators
iuRFC 2368 - Mailto URLs
iuToC for RFC 2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Generic Syntax
iuWhy tilde (~) should not be used in Web addresses (URLs)
iuIETF - Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Working Group
iuUniform Resource Locator Registration Procedures reg) Charter.url
iuA Beginner's Guide to URLs
iuAn Index of WWW Addressing Schemes
iv0NetMechanic Online Link Testing, HTML Validation
ivWeb Site Garage - One Stop Shop for Servicing Your Web Site
ivDelorie Web Stuff
ivWeb Page Backward Compatibility Viewer
ivNetMechanic - Server Monitoring and Performance Testing
ivcW3C CSS Validator
ivcW3C CSS Validation Service
ivcCSSCheck, a Cascading Style Sheets Lint - GOOD
ivh00WDG HTML Validator - The best of the validators - see What Makes the WDG HTML Validator Special
ivhW3C HTML Validation Service
ivhBUILDER.COM - Web authoring - Put your HTML to the test - a review of HTML Validators
ivhWeblint Home Page
ivhThe Unofficial -Kinder, Gentler HTML Validator- FAQ
ivhWeb Page Purifier
ivhHTML Validation Service
ivhWDG HTML Validator
ivhNetMechanic HTML Check - Validation Verification Syntax Testing
ivhAmaya Overview
ivhDoctor HTML v5
ivhaCAST Bobby
ivhaWeb Page Backward Compatibility Viewer
ivl0NetMechanic - Power Link Check
ivl1NetMechanic Broken Link Checking Verification and Validation
ivlThe WDVL - Links Checkers
ivlThe WDVL Links Checkers
ivlLinkAlarm - Broken Link Checking Service
ivxXML.COM - RUWF The XML Syntax Checker - checks Well-formedness
ix00Extensible Markup Language (XML) - the official W3C page, see also the W3C XML Activity
ix0Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification
ix1Jelks' XML Playground
ix1Mathematical Markup Language (MathML)
ix4Microsoft XML Home
ixRFC 2376 - XML Media types
ixW3C RDF browsing interface
ixKoala XML Activities
ixRe: Spec question - explanation of attributes and XML namespaces
ixWeb Review - Microsoft's XML is More Than Just Standards - how MS plans to take over XML and the Web
ixThe Shape of Things to Come? by Arjun Ray, on the XML produced by MS Word
ixXML Namespaces
ixxml-dev list archives
ixWhat XML Brings to the Web
ixSBN Specs & Standards XML Parser
ixXML - Microsoft XML home page
ixXML Weather Demo
ixMicrosoft XML Parser in Java -- Home
ixThe SGML-XML Web Page - Home Page
ixRFC: Whitespace Handling in XML Parsing
ixExtensible Markup Language (XML) Page
ixFree XML software
ixAn Introduction to XML Processing with Lark and Larval
ixFrequently Asked Questions about the Extensible Markup Language
ixComparison of SGML and XML - includes an SGML Declaration for XML
ixXML.COM - XML and Vector Graphics Formats
ixXML Namespaces by Example (XML.COM)
ixXSL Considered Harmful
ixmW3C Math Home Page
ixmW3C Math WG Home - Implementations
ixmAdd Math to Web pages with EzMath - logical MathML editor by Dave Raggett and Davy Batsalle
izWelcome to ISPcheck
izISPcheck Internet Access Plans
lb000Electronic Books Listing Purchase Circles - find out who's reading what (in general) Bookstore!!!
lb0Barnes & Noble-The World's Largest Bookseller
lbLibrary of Congress FTP Server
lbLOC Quick-Search Guide
lbbooks Gopher Server -"
lbBryn Mawr Classical Review
lblocgopher Gopher Server
lbWebster's Dictionary - Searchable
lbThe Internet Public Library
lbCatalogs (Library of Congress)
lbLibrary of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Gateway
lbLibrary of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Gateway
lbNew LOC Catalog
lbPhysics, Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Sciences
lbAPNet Home Page
lbHenry Wadsworth Longfellow
lbBIBLIOMANIA, The Network Library Home Page
lbPublisher's Wire Best Seller List
lbCUP Catalog by Subject
lbBritannica Classics
lbBritannica Classics
lbLibrary of Congress Classification
lbPenn Library-Literature-Type-Electronic Texts
lbLibrary of Congress Home Page
lbThe Gettysburg Address
lbNYT Book Review Editors Choice 1998
lbDo Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
lbTexts in Perseus for Browsing: English
lbJohn Spencer Hill's Home Page
lbYahoo! - Business and Economy:Companies:Books
lbYahoo! - Business and Economy:Companies:Publishing
lbloc Telnet - - Library of Congress
lbinfor Telnet
lbB200King James Bible (Psalms)
lbB201King James Bible (Psalms)
lbB202King James Bible (Psalms)
lbB21The Bible - Latin Vulgate (Psalms)
lbB22Greek Bible
lbB23French Bible: TOB, LSG
lbB24Bibles in many languages
lbB25Yehoyeshes Tanakh - Yiddish Bible
lbB30Jewish Publication Society Bible - Hebrew, Aramaic, etc.
lbB310Hebrew Bible
lbB311Hebrew Bible
lbB40The Unbound Bible - many languages
lbgMacondo -- Front Gate
lbgGabriel García Márquez
lbgGabriel García Márquez - GOOD SITE
lbgGarcía Márquez - Nobel Lectures-Literature 1982
lbgGarcía Márquez - Nobel - Literature 1982
lbgon Gabriel Garcia Marquez
lbgBogota Journal Garcia Marquez Embraces an Old Love (and That's News!)
ll0Penn Library Reference Shelf: Language Dictionaries
lltravlang's Translating Dictionaries
llInternational Phonetic Association
llThe Finnish language
llPenn Library-Type/Dictionaries/Language
llEthnologue, 13th edition, 1996 - Languages of the World
lltravlang front page
llEurodicautom - Transation of technical terms

lleEsperanto Frequently Asked Questions
lled0Esperanto - English On-line Dictionary
llei0La Flavaj Paĝoj de Esperanto
llei0Esperanto Access
lleiEsperanto kaj HTML
lleiListo de Esperanto-tiparoj
lleiEsperanto Viva! - Index (In English) - angle - English
lleiUSEJ- Esperanto and US Youth
lleiSome Basic Information about Esperanto -- the International Language
lleiEsperanto kaj HTML
lleiInternational WWW -- Internacia TTT
lleiEsperanto Multlingva Inform-Centro
lleiVirtuala Esperanto-Biblioteko
llel0Esperanto Word-Building
llelEsperanto Learning Aids
llelEsperanto por vojaĝantoj (English)
llelThe Esperanto Book 5
llelEsperanto HyperCourse

llhJudaism 101: Hebrew Alphabet
lllCCIS Academic WWW server
lllLatin 101
lllLatin Textbook: Wheelock's Latin (HTML)
lllAllen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, Table of Contents
lllJ. Pettus (Latin On-Line)
llpiThe Weather Channel Brasil - Tempo para o Brasil e o Mundo, The Weather Channel Brasil
llpnJornal do Brasil
llprRadio CBN - Sao Paulo
llsCon-textos Homepage
llsConjugador de verbos
llsSpanish page
llsSpanish Language Exercises
llsTecla from Birkbeck College London
llsEuropean Literature - Electronic Texts
llsNoticias de Argentina - Informaciónes - LV3
llsMundo Latino - Rincón Literario
llsLa Gramática del Español
llsWeb Spanish Lessons, by Tyler Jones
llsSpanish-to-English Dictionary
llscIntroduccion a HTML
llsdDiccionario Anaya de la Lengua
llsdDiccionario Anaya
llsdNew College English Dictionary Online
llsdPenn Library-Type/Dictionaries/Language/Spanish
llsdDICCIONARIOS ANAYA - Spanish to English - link within frame
llsdDICCIONARIOS ANAYA - English to Spanish - link within frame
llsiEl Canal del Tiempo - The Weather Channel in Spanish
llsiWebMaestro - Crea tu pagina del Web
llsiBusqueda en AltaVista Consulta Simple
llsiSpanish - AltaVista
llsiLycos - Búsqueda
llsiTutuoriales de Web
llsiPágina principal de Internet Explorer
llsn00ABC: Internacional
llsn01La Jornada
llsnLas certificaciones norteamericanas (14 Mar 97)
llsnClonacion (24 Mar 1997) (#2)
llsnClonacion (24 Mar 1997) (#1)
llsnMorelos: ¿modelo para el futuro? (25 Mar 97)
llsnLa Jornada en Internet
llsnEl Espectador
llsnBienvenido a EL TIEMPO
llsnLa Jornada en Internet
llsrGrupo Radio Centro
llsrArgentinaNoticias y MediosRadio
llsrRadio Red AM 1110
llsrEl Conquistador en Internet con RealAudio
llsrRadio El Espectador - Uruguay
llsrEl Espectador Radio Audio Files
llsrRadio Links en Español
llsrRadio - Noticias on line
llsrRadio Nanduti - Paraguay
llsrRadioprogramas del Perú S.A.
llsrRadio - La Super Kadena - P.R.
llsrYahoo! - News and MediaRadioCountries
llst0Spanish Television Channels
llyDi Velt fun Yidish: Home
llyJiddisch zum Lernen. Ton und Alefbeys. Study Yiddish sound and script.
llyJiddisch zum Lernen. Ton und Alefbeys. Study Yiddish sound and script.
llyThe Yiddish Voice
lpBeowulf (10th cent.) Old English and Interlinear Translation
lpThe Hollow Men
lp"The Day is Done" (Longfellow)
lw01Fowler, Henry Watson The King's English (second edition)
lw02Strunk, William. 1918. The Elements of Style.
lw03The Economist Style Guide
lwWebster's Dictionary - Searchable
lwPenn Library-Type/Style
mWhat time is it? - Home of Online Geneology
mFamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service
mPhilips Consumer Communications - Answering Machine 1715
mLex Orandi, Lex Credendi Web Site
mYahoo! - Reference:Postal Information
m@Internet Shopping Network
m@1-800-FLOWERS - Welcome to Our Store
maLe WebLouvre
maThe Metropolitan Museum of Art
maLibrary of Congress Vatican Exhibit
maParis Pages Musee du Louvre
maFAMSF-Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
mcAltima GXE - Microsoft CarPoint - Kelley Blue Book Retail values
mcCamry - CarPoint Vehicle Pricing Report
mcCamry - Microsoft CarPoint - Vehicle Information Page
mcCamry - 1998 Toyota Camry CE (5-speed)
mcAuto-By-Tel - Research New and Used Car Pricing
mcCamry - 1998 Toyota Camry Portfolio of Reports
mcTOYOTA everyday
mcsMicrosoft CarPoint - Home Page
mcsHighway Loss Data Institute
mcsHLDI Driver Death Rates, Four-Door Cars
mcsHLDI Injury, Collision & Theft Losses, Four-Door Cars
mcsInsurance Institute for Highway Safety
mcsIIHS Crashworthiness Evaluations Midsize 4-Door Cars
mcsIIHS Crashworthiness Evaluations
mcsIIHS Crashworthiness Evaluations Small Four-Door Cars
me0The History of Education Site
meeEPGY Symposium - Course Catalog
memEducation Depot
memThe Guide to Math & Science Reform
memThe Virtual School
mesAdvanced Placement (AP) Program
mesCollege Board Online - Directory of Services
meu0Canadian Colleges and Universities
meu0American Colleges and Universities
meu0International Colleges and Universities
meu0Research-Doctorate Programs In The United States (Alternate)
meuChemistry Department at Stony Brook - NRC Ratings
meuAdvanced Placement (AP) Program
meuPrinceton Review:College Rankings
meu1997 National Universities, 1-25: USNews - edu U.S.News Colleges and Careers Center
meuWorld Lecture Hall: Course Materials on the 'Net
mfPearl's Pantry
mfNutrient Data Laboratory Food Composition Data
mgcKasparov vs Deep Blue
mgsThe Official Milton Bradley SCRABBLE Website
mh0Rec.humor.funny - jokes and comedy
mh1Miami Herald - Dave Barry
mh1The Onion - a funny humor magazine
mhMath Jokes
mhMailbag: Some Rules for Driving in Boston (or Elsewhere...)
mhRec.humor.funny Home Page
mhCard Trick
mhThe Trojan Room Coffee Machine
mhThe Funny Bits - Eric Meyer's humor page
mhVision and Perseverance! - quotes of poor predictions (Eric Meyer)
mhEconomist Jokes
mhUNIX Reference Desk
mhlicense - the ultimate tale of overpackaging
mhIndex of /content/archive/living/barry/1999/docs/
mhMiami Herald: Don't miss my slide show of historic cheeses
mhRec.humor.funny jokes and comedy
mhPre-flight shpiel - Rec.humor.funny
mhMicrosoft's right. [rec.humor.funny]
mhTo quote, or not to quote [rec.humor.funny]
mhBSOD [rec.humor.funny]
mhScience Jokes Archive
mhMicrosoft Patents Ones, Zeroes
mhComputer Humor
mhUnix Admin Horror.
mhNathan Mates's Humor Archives
mhWord Confusion UK vs US
miDiscover Brokerage Direct
miCharles Schwab
miA Trader's Financial Resource Guide_ Stocks and Options
mm01TopoZone - Topographic maps anywhere in the US
mm025Library of Congress map collections
mm02PCL Map Collection
mm03LOC Map Collection
mm03Maps of the Americas
mm04Excite Maps Map a U.S. Address - gives a map showing any US address
mm0National Geographic Xpeditions - nice printable maps of any country or state
mm10University of Michigan Map Images - very high resolution
mm1National Geographic Map Machine
mmOddens's Bookmarks - Maps and Atlases
mmYahoo! Maps and Driving Directions
mmSubway navigator
mmExcite Maps Browse All Maps
mmExcite Maps Driving Directions
mmDeLorme Mapping
mmDeLorme CyberMaps
mmDeLorme CyberRouter
mmMap Related Web Sites
mmMicrosoft Expedia Maps - Home
mmEarly maps on the web
mmHistorical Map Web Sites
mmMap-Related Web Sites
mmPenn Library-Type/Maps and Geographic Information
mmMapblast! BlastOff
mmMaps On Us: A Map, Route and Yellow Pages Service
mmMap Machine @
mmMaps On Us A Map, Route and Yellow Pages Service
mpThe Camera Shop, Inc.
mpUniversity Products Home Page - Photography Archival Materials
mpCanon USA, Inc Camera Lenses
mr0Columbia Encyclopedia
mrUS Military Rank
mrInternational Phonetic Alphabet
mrBartletts Familiar Quotations
mrPhonetic alphabets (Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta) (Apr 99) - see also the version from 1997/5/1
mrInternational Standard Paper Sizes - a very good explanation
mrIndex: phonetic alphabets, wordlists
mrInternational Radio Alphabet
mrWorld Energy Statistics
mrManga's Reference
mrMorse Code and the Phonetic Alphabets
mrt0NIST Web Clock
mrt1The official U.S. time
mrtWorld Time Zone Map - includes letter designations
mrtTime Service Department - US Naval Observatory
mrtWorld Time Zones
mrtInternational Standard Date and Time Notation
mrtTime Synchronization Server
mrtInfo on ISO 8601, the date and time representation standard
msESPN SportsZone
msWorld Cup USA '94 (soccer)
msCBS SportsLine
mst101998 Australian Open Tennis - CBS SportsLine
mst11Official Site of the French Open ( French Open - English )
mst12Official Site of The Championships, Wimbledon
mst13The Official US Open Tennis Web Site
mst1The New York Times Sports - Tennis (Alternate Version)
mstThe New York Times - Sports - Tennis
mt01FlightAware - flight tracking
mt02SeatGuru - airplane seat maps, with recommendations
mt03LiveATC - live Air Traffic Control
mt10Orbitz - good flight and hotel searches
mt11Travelocity - good flight searches
mt12Expedia - good hotel and flight searches
mt15JIWire - WiFi hotspot location search
mtExcite Travel by City.Net
mtCity.Net United States
mtGORP - Great Outdoor Recreation Pages
mtIntellicast Flightcast - arrival and departure times
mtTRAVEL - Internet Travel Network
mtPARKNET_The National Park Service
mtRand McNally Online
mtSETII - Search Engine for Travel Information on the Internet
mtTCommuter Rail
mtTNMRA Directory: Travel by Rail Regional
mtaAmerican Airlines
mtaUS Airways
mtbThe Berkshire Connection
mtbBCNet The Berkshire's Premier Internet Provider
mtbThe BerkshireNet - Internet Solutions for the Berkshires and Beyond
mtbPittsfield, MA & Berkshire County, MA - Businesses
mtcAlamo Rent A Car
mtcHertz Rent A Car
mtrRoute Planning Page
mtt0Rand McNally Online Road Construction - Covers entire USA and Canada - a good traffic site!!
mttTraffic Reports on the WWW
mttTraffic & Weather Web Links ... The Traffic Beat
mttConnecticut Road and Highway Condtions and Construction
mttNew Jersey Road and Highways Conditions and Construction
mttNew York road and highway conditions and construction
mttPENNSYLVANIA road and highway conditions and construction
mttRWA Direct Eastern US menu road conditions highway construction
mttRWADirect - Road Conditions, construction, etc
mttNY State Police Road Conditions NYC Area
mttAccuTraffic Home Page
mttPA Highway Construction Map
mttPA Roads and Highways
mttI-95 Construction Projects
mttThe Definitive Table of Real-Time Traffic
mttPA Turnpike News Releases - 1998
mttPA Turnpike Construction Schedule
mttSmarTraveler Home - Traffic in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, and Cincinnati
mttCT Department of Transportation
mttMassachusetts Turnpike Report Home
nNANPA North American Numbering Plan Administration - Lockheed Martin Corporation
nm0Internet Movie Database - Search More than 150,000 movies
nm1New York Times Film Reviews
nmMovieLink _ 777-FILM Online
nmThe Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
nmUltimateTV -- Welcome!
nn00TVRadioWorld - TV and Radio Stations on the Internet
nn0Radio Bitcasters - Radio Stations that Broadcast over the Internet
nn1NY Times Op-Ed Columns
nn1The New York Times Quick News
nnGNN Daily News
nnThe Wall Street Journal
nnWeb Events Radio - Microsoft
nnCNN Interactive
nneZines Database
nnThe Economist Archive
nnLos Angeles Times
nnPenn Library-News Sources
nnEnglish and Foreign Language Newspapers
nnList of Electronic Newspapers
nnNPR Online- National Public Radio
nnNPR Member Stations
nnNPR Programs
nnThe New York Times
nnThe New York Times Magazine
nnNYT Week in Review
nnWeek in Review - New York Times
nnPA NewsCentre
nnWelcome To PBS ONLINE®
nnThe Online NewsHour
nnThe Economist Summaries by e-mail
nnNewspaper Listing
nnU.S. News & World Report Online
nnOnline Newspapers - 1400 listings
nnWorld Newspapers
nnYahoo! - Computers and Internet: Internet: Entertainment: Internet Broadcasting: Radio: Stations
no1Map of Boston circa 1800
no1Map of Boston, 1776 - by the Boston Globe
noCambridge, MA - Official Web Site
nobBankBoston Personal Financial Services
nobBankBoston: Student Focus
nobATM-Branch Locator - Bank Boston
nobATM-Branch Locator - near Canaday
nomMovieGuide - Movies playing in Boston
not1MBTA Harvard Square Station Information - includes connecting bus routes
notAround Harvard
notMTBA Maps and Schedules
notMBTA Bus Route 66 Schedule - Harvard Yard to Business School / Sports Area
notMBTA Bus Route 1 Schedule - Harvard to MIT
notMBTA Bus Route 86 Schedule - Harvard Yard to Business School / Sports Area
notMTBA Map
nouClassical Music Events in Boston
nov0TV Guide Online
novTV Guide - Boston Edition (broadcast only)
novCBS - Boston
novNBC Boston
npThe Franklin Institute Science Museum
npWebGuide - Philadelphia
npWelcome to Historic Chester County
npPennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Home Page
npFranklin Institute
npLibertyNet's Community Access Centers Free Email!
npLibertyNet: Philadelphia Area Schools
npInfo on Berwyn
npmMovieGuide - Movies playing in Philadelphia
npmMovieGuide - Regal Edgmont Square 10
npmMovies Etcetera. Videos and DVDs for sale and rent; movies, films, VHS video cassettes and tapes, new and used. 812-14 Lancaster Ave, Berwyn, PA 19312.
nprWWFM-The Classical Network
nptAmtrak Schedules
nptAmtrak Schedules online
nptAmtrak online schedules: 1-800-USA-RAIL
nptAmtrak Schedules
nptAmtrak Schedules - Keystone Service
nptKeystone Schedule--Eastbound
nptKeystone Schedule--Westbound
nptSEPTA Online - Public Transportation serving the Philadelphia Region
nptSEPTA Schedules
nptSEPTA Transit Schedule Route 105 Weekdays
nptSEPTA Transit Schedule Route 92 Weekdays
nptSEPTA Regional Rail Schedule Route R5 Weekdays
npv03Philadelphia Online TV Listings for Harron Cable - as text
npv04Philadelphia Online TV Listings for Harron Cable - with images
npv0TV Guide Online
npv1TV12 Schedules
npv1PBS Television Listings
npv2NBC10 Program Guide
npv2NBC 10 Philadelphia
npvDMX- Digital Music Express
npvHarron Communications Home Page
npvHarron Communications Main Line System
npvHarron High-Speed Cable Modem Internet Access
nqt0Bay Area Transit Information
nu0The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Classical Music
nuMultimedia Textbook, Music 25
nuChapter 11 -- Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
nuJohannes Ockeghem Home Page
nuStefans Liederbuch
nuIte, missa est
nuAmerican Choral Music
nuVilla-Lobos Sacred Choral Music
nuBruckner Mass in D minor and Te Deum
nuMusic of the Mass
nuParts of the Mass
nuMedieval Music & Arts Foundation
nuGuillaume de Machaut - Le Messe de Nostre Dame amp Songs from Le Voir Dit
nuThe Latin Vulgate and Other Bible Web Sites
nuJust vs Equal Temperament
nuLiturgical Terms in Choral Music
nuReady Reference U.S. National Anthem The Star Spangled Banner
nuPianotech Mailing List Searcher Options Page
nur0Radio Bitcasters - Radio Stations that Broadcast over the Internet
nur0Classical Radio Stations on the Internet
nur10WQXR Home
nur11Listen to WQXR 28.8
nurBroadcasting classical music on Seattle radio, KING-FM! real audio, Internet music, live music
nurWelcome to WBACH 104.9 FM Radio Stations WFMT - 98.7 FM
nurListen to WFMT 98.7 Chicago
nurClassical Music - Classical Insites - Classical Music
nurListen to WBACH 104.9 Gloucesster
nurListen to KING 98.1 Seattle
nurWCLV 95-5 FM - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
nurWFMT & The Radio Networks
nurWQED-FM Welcome Page
nurListen to WQED 89.3 Pittsburgh
nurYahoo! - Computers and Internet: Internet: Entertainment: Internet Broadcasting: Radio: Stations

My attempt here is to list the better listings and search engines first. I often, therefore, list ones that give more selective results first. If you are having trouble finding something, you are better off using a search engine based on a web robot.

pThe Microsoft Network - list of interesting resources
pMicrosoft Internet Start (Microsoft Internet Start - RunOnce)
pd000WWW Virtual Library
pd01Yahoo (Text Only - faster!)
pd02Lycos's more selective cousins, A2Z, and Point.
pd03EINet Galaxy
pd04Magellan - Writes a review of the therefore has not reviewed recently created sites (which are a good portion), since the delay is about six months (as of submission in late 1995).
pd05Starting Point
pd06Excite Net Directory
pd9Guide Home Page
pdApollo - no longer exists?
pdInterNIC Directory and Database Services - no longer exists?
pdFTP Sites
pdPoint Communications Corporation
pdLycos, Inc. - Point: Top 10
pdPoint Communications Corporation
pdThe Yellow Pages - Collection of “free stuff”
pdWebSideStory - World 1000
pdArgus Clearinghouse - for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides
pdSearch Engine Watch - Yahoo Special Report
pdVirtual Yellow Pages - still exists?
pdYahoo! - Reference
pl0Martindale's 'The Reference Desk'
pl0Penn Library-Internet Resources
pl0Information Resource Meta-Index (NCSA)
pl0The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Subject Catalogue
pl0The World-Wide Web Virtual Library_ Subject Catalogue
pl1BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
pl2eBLAST - Encyclopædia Britannica's Internet Guide
plMicrosoft Internet Explorer Start Page
plMS Cool Sites
plThe Mining Co. - a site like yahoo
plNetscape What's Cool
plNetscape What's New
plNetscape Internet Directory
plBritannica Internet Guide
plSearch Engines ! Newswires ! @ Internets
plUPenn Library
plPenn Library-Databases & Indexes-Alphabetical Listing
plInternet Resources Meta-Index
plStarting Points for Internet Exploration
plDesk References (Princeton)
plW3C Data Sources By Service
plW3C Web Servers Directory
plW3C Information By Subject
pmAndrew Howard's Home Page
pmBritannica Online
pnPages from the World Wide Web
pnGTE SuperPages
pnPC Magazine Top 100 Web Sites
pp0Yahoo! People Search
pp2AnyWho: Reverse Telephone Number Search - Find Person or Business using Telephone Number
pp4WORLDPAGES Find Anything. Anyone. Anywhere.
pp5Netscape Internet White Pages
pp5National Address Server
pp5New Rider's Yellow Pages
pp5myPhoneBook free online phonebook and contact management solution
pp6Yahoo's Listing of White Pages
ppWhois Gateway
ppFinger Gateway
ppGuide People
ppWorld Alumni Page
ppSemaphore's Internet Resources - related to mailing addresses and mail forwarding
pq0Switchboard - very good business locator
pqGuide Yellow Pages
pqGTE SuperPages® Interactive Yellow Pages
pqNYNEX Interactive Yellow Pages - Finds Businesses
pqAT&T Toll-Free Internet Directory
pqWorld Wide Yellow Pages
ps00All in One search page
ps01Alta Vista
psMaster Locator at Notre Dame
psVeronica (Gopher Search) (Simplified)
psThe Harvest Information Discovery and Access System
psMicrosoft Search Page
psNetscape Internet Search
psList of Robots
psWelcome to Dogpile, the Friendly Multi-Engine Search Tool
ps[ ] [ Search Made Simple. ]
psPenn Library-Internet Search Tools
psNorthern Light Search
psOpen Text
psThe Black Box
psWebCrawler Search
psWorld Wide Web Worm
pt00Electronic Books Listing
pt01Electronic Newspapers Listing: By Geographic Location, By Language
pt2ISI Citation Database Search - search of scientific abstracts
ptList of Russian WWW-servers
ptPenn Library-Type/Quotations
ptIBM Intellectual Property Network - search patents
pu1DejaNews - Browse Groups
puNewsgroup FAQs
puDeja News - Browse Group Results - sci.geo
puDejaNews Interest Finder
puNews.announce.newusers official archive
s0Britannica Online
s0Bad Science
s1The Nobel Foundation
sGNN Science and Technology
sScience Sources: GNN
sGNN Social Sciences
sNational Institute for Global Environmental Change
sEINET Engineering and Technology
sEINET Science
sEINET Social Sciences
sInternational Organization for Standardization
sThe Junk Science Home Page
sPenn Library-Electronic Journals
sNature - International weekly journal of science
sThe Nobel Foundation
sThe New York Times - Science
sThe Ig Nobel Prizes
sUSGS - Science on the Internet
sa0The Nine Planets - Great!
sa0Bad Astronomy
sa1Astronomy & Astrophysics on the Web
saNational Solar Observatory
saViews of the Solar System: Mars
saIAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
saNew England Light Pollution Advisory Group (NELPAG)
saComet Information and the International Comet Quarterly (ICQ)
saInformation on Comet Hale-Bopp for the Non-Astronomer
saComet Observation Home Page
saComets Currently Visible
saMars Pathfinder - Welcome to Mars!
saMars Pathfinder - Mars - Other Images
saSaturn Ring Plane Crossings of 1995-1996 (JPL)
saWelcome to the Planets: Mars
saSXT home page
saSEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space)
saThe Nine Planets
saThe Aurora Page
saNASA Photo Gallery
saPathfinder Communications Problem Is Overcome
saThe Nine Planets: Mars
saSpaceViews: Mars Pathfinder: Links
saAnnular Solar Eclipse May 10, 1994 (Works?????)
saSpace Environment Laboratory Index Page
saAstronomical pictures & animations
sbDNA Patent Database
sbNanoworld - CMM Image Gallery
sbbBirdSource New Version
sbbTree of Life - Neornithes (Modern Birds)
sbbBird Song Mnemonics
sbm0Visible Human Slice Server
sbm0The Visible Human Project
sbm0Outbreak - formerly the Ebola Virus Page. This site has information on many disease outbreaks, including new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
sbmTobacco Control Archives
sbmGNN Medicine
sbmeBMJ, British Medical Journal home page
sbmDr. Koop's Community
sbmEINET Medicine
sbmNational Health Study of Nutrition
sbmImages and Animations from the Visible Human Project
sbsPA DEP County Information On the Internet . . . . . .
sbsBucks County Watershed Maps and Descriptions
sbsPA DEP - Bureau of Watershed Conservation - Watershed Support
sbsPA DEP - Water Management Deputate
sbt0The Tree of Life Home Page - reviewed in Science, Vol. 273, pp. 568--569 (1996 August 2)
sbtTreeBASE Home Page - A Database of Phylegenetic Knowledge
sbtKohler's Medicinal Plants - Illustrations Online
sc0Periodic Table (Beta Test, much improved)
sc0Periodic Table Webelements
sc1Bad Chemistry
scACS Philadelphia Section Home Page
scIUPAC Home Page
scGreat expectations
scSynthetic Metals and Superconductors Lab.-INTRODUCTION
scNeutron Reflectivity of Conducting Polymers
scU.S. National Chemistry Olympiad
scCHEM Main Menu
scChemistry (Science)
scInstructions 3ODOP Rev. 1.0 (1/94)
scInstructions 3ODP Rev. 1.0 (1/94)
scConducting Polymers
scCondensed Matter Physics Research: Conducting Polymers and Molecular Magnets
scInternet Chemistry Resources
scInternet Chemistry Resources - Teaching
scTNO Industrie: Intrinsically Conducting Polymers
scWLH - Chemistry
scThe World Lecture Hall
sgLand Surveying
sgUS Geological Survey Home Page
sgNational Geophysical Data Center
sgCNSS Combined U.S. catalog (Experimental)
sg_Volcano Watch_ from the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
sge01Recent Earthquake Maps: World, USA, California-Nevada
sge02Recent earthquakes in California and Nevada
sge04NEIC Earthquake Search
sgeUSGS-National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project
sge1994 Guide to Products and Services of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC)
sgeUSGS - Earth and Environmental Science Links - Earthquakes
sgeEarthquake Information from the USGS
sgeSeismology and Earthquake Information
sgeTsunami! The WWW Tsunami Information Resource
sgeIRIS DMC Home Page
sgeUSGS National Earthquake Information Center Earthquake Information for the World
sgvMTU Volcanoes Page
sgvMTU Volcanoes Page - Rabaul Caldera
sh00PCL Map Collection
sh0Maps of the Americas
sh1The Presidents of the United States - from the White House
shGettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln
shLibrary of Congress Exhibitions
shThe Gettysburg Address
shContinental Congress and the Constitutional Convention Broadsides Search
shGettysburg Address
shAbraham Lincoln Quotes
shAdolf Hitler als Maler und Zeichner
shGettysburg Address -2
shHistorical Map Web Sites
shOn This Day April 9 - Letters Between Grant and Lee
shShifting Borders of Israel A History of Conflict in Israel and the Middle East
shHistory Buff's Home Page
siNSF Geosciences Unidata Integrated Earth Information Server (IEIS)
siEROS home page
siEarth Science data on the Global Land Information System
siPrograms at EROS Data Center
siUSGS Geo Data
siUSGS: Geo Data
siUSGS Geospatial Data & Information Products
siEOSDIS DAAC at EROS Data Center
siSIR-C geographic search
siNASA SIR-C Precision Data
siGlobal Land Information System
siEarth Science data on the Global Land Information System
siClearinghouse Gateway Form
siStatus of NSDI Clearinghouse Nodes
siMAGIC Map and Geographic Information Center - Connecticut
siUSGS National Mapping Information Home Page
siUSGS ESIC: Ordering USGS Products
siUSGS National Mapping Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
siUSGS Geospatial Data & Information Products
siUSGS Mapping Information NMP Programs & Activities
siUSGS Geospatial Data & Information Products -- better
siRolla Earth Science Information Center Page
siGLOBE Visualization Home Page
siEXPO Terrain Map
siThe UC CD-ROM Information System: Past, Present and Future
siMassGIS - Download Data - very good data for Massachusetts, including orthophotos for much of the eastern part of the state and quadrangle maps for the whole state
siMassGIS - Table of Contents
siCompendium Maps & Data
siNational Imagery and Mapping Agency
siPennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA)
siMetadata & Data Topics
siLinks to Other Sites
sigGeographical Information Systems (GIS) WWW Resource List
sigGeoWeb For GIS/GPS/RS
sigd0STARTING THE HUNT: Guide to On-line and Mostly Free U.S. Geospatial and Attribute Data
sigdUCAR Data - includes Elevation Data
sigdXEROX Map Data
sigdEarth Images and Data
sigdTerrain Analysis Home Page
sigdCensus TMS Home Page
sigdUSGS -- GIS Data for Water Resources
sigdCensus Data Access Tools
sigdData Access Tools
sigdPennsylvania GIS Digital Geographic Library
sigdUS EPA Region III: GIS Home Page
sigdData for You
sigdDownloadable Data
sigdGCRIO On-line Data
sigdPennsylvania State Data Center Welcome!
sigdDatasets Online
sigdThe Goddard DAAC
sigsDirectory of /pub/systems/simtelnet/win3/gis
sigsFree GIS Software from ESRI
sipa00TerraServer - Microsoft Database of Aerial Photos
sipa05Digital Orthophoto Quad - Quarter Quad Search Criteria
sipa0USGS NSDI Clearinghouse - Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles
sipaAltaVista Search: Simple Query Digital Orthophoto
sipaNAPP Photography Examples Page
sipaNational Mapping Information - Digital Orthophoto Program
sipaAvailability of USGS Geospatial Data & Aerial Photography Products
sipaDOQ Status Graphics
sipaPennsylvania Status Graphics
sipaMIT + MassGIS Digital Orthophoto Project
sipaMIT Digital Orthophoto Browser - Harvard
sipaPenn Library-Philadelphia DOQs
sipaMassGIS - Orthophoto Quads - Panel 1 Index Map
sipaMicrosoft TerraServer Image Page - Tredyffrin Twp Area
sipaMicrosoft TerraServer - Harvard
sipaMicrosoft TerraServer Full Resolution Image Page - Our House
sipm0PCL Map Collection
sipmFTP directory -pub-pasda-drg24k- at
sipmSearch Maps Large Scale - Covers small area
sipmMAGIC: Bashbish Falls 7.5 Minute USGS Quadrangle
sipmMaps and Data Center
sipmXerox PARC Map Viewer: world 0.00N 0.00E (1.0X)
sipmQuick Start for the National Atlas of the United States Interactive Map Browser
sipmJohn R. Borchert Map Library
sipmUSGS Mapping Information: Home Page
sipmMap-Related Web Sites
sipmState Geospatial Data and Maps -Map Collection
sipmFGDC Metadata for Valley Forge PA DRG
sipmValley Forge, PA Digital Raster Graphics
sipmValley Forge PA DRG
sipmPASDA Atlas
sipsGlobal 1KM AVHRR Land Imagery Server
sipsIndex of /RPIF/LANDSAT/
sipsLandsat Images - U.S. States
sipsLandsat Images - Pennsylvania
sipsCEPS-Regional Planetary Image Facility
sipsEarthnet Online - European Remote Sensing Data, etc
sipsDeclassified Intel. Satellite Photos Search Criteria
sipsEOSPSO Homepage
sipsEarth Images and Data
sipsThe Observatorium
sipsSeaWiFS Project - Homepage
sipsSeaWiFS Project - Ocean Color Gallery
sipsSeaWiFS Project Image Archive
sipsRESURS-01 Satellite
sipsNighttime Lights
sjCIA World Factbook 1998
smJames Gleick
smGary Ramseyer's Archives of Statistical Fun
smThe Uselessness of Pi and its irrational friends
smc0Math Competitions Archive
smc1996 USAMO Qualifiers
smcMath Competitions Archive
smc1997 USAMO Roster
smcjanitorial central.
smcMOP '96
smcMOP '96 field guide
smcThe 1995 MOP Hall of Fame
smcIMO Home Page
smcAHSME New York 1998 Results USAMO Participants
smcPutnam exam stuff
smcIndex of /~kkedlaya/mopnet/
smcPast Putnam Exams
smcWelcome to the Math League
smcMath League Contest Results
smcARML home page
smcWilliam Lowell Putnam Competition
smcAmerican Mathematics Competitions (AMC) Index Page
sp0SCIENCE HOBBYIST Misconceptions Page
spLos Alamos Physics Papers (Gopher)
spPhysicsJava applets
spElectronic Visualization Lab
spSuperconducting SuperCollider
spbThe Great Balsa Bridge Contest
spbCHS, JPL, & Bridges
spbSoftware Inventions - Model Bridge
spbEvery thing about Bridges
spbBridge Building Contest Home Page
sqAmerican Psychological Society
sqList of Psychology WWW Pages around the world

This page contains links to forecasts, warnings, and other information served by other sites for the Boston Metropolitan Area. I am not responsible for maintaining any of the actual weather information. These forecasts are from a number of different sites. All of the statements on this page, except the commercial ones, were issued by the National Weather Service (mostly from their office in Taunton, MA). - L. David Baron


See also National Statements.

wbFn1Southern New England State Forecast: OSU, NWS - for all of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island
wbFn31Southern New England Forecast Discussion - with archives
wbFn3Forecast Discussion: OSU, PSU
wbFn4Short Term Forecast: OSU
wbFn5Northeast Travelers Forecast: OSU
wbFn6Coded City Forecast (5 Temperature/5 Precipitation): OSU
wbFn7Coastal Waters Marine Forecast: OSU
wbFnState Forecast Discussion: OSU, NWS
wbFo1Intellicast Boston Weather
wbFo1Boston, Massachusetts Weather Forecast from the Weather Underground
wbFoLookSmart Forecast for Boston, MA
wbFoMillenium Weather Northeast Winter Storm Page
wbFoWeather Channel - Forecast and Current Conditions
wbIr000see also National Radar and the WeatherNet Travel Cities Page
wbIr010Intellicast Nexrad Radar
wbIr015Intellicast NEXRAD Storm Relative Velocity
wbIr02Intellicast Regional Radar (Animation)
wbIr03Intellicast Precipitation Totals
wbIr04Intellicast Radar Summary
wbIr1The Weather Channel - Doppler Radar - U.S. Regional - Northeast U.S.
wbIr1The Weather Channel - Boston, MA
wbIr2CNN - Weather U.S. Northeast Radars
wbIr2CNN Northeast and Midwest US Radar
wbIr3AccuWeather Northeast and Midwest Radar
wbIrYahoo Northeast US Radar Summary
wbIrYahoo Northeast US Radar Loop
wbIrPersonal AccuWeather(tm)- kBOS
wbIrAccuWeather Boston NEXRAD - Weather - New England - Radar
wbIrUniversal Weather - Northeast U.S. Radar w-Tops and Movement
wbIrBoston Radar Image, from weatherpoint
wbIrWTNH News Channel 8 - StormTeam 8 - Storm Doppler LIVE - updated every 90 seconds
wbIs0see also The International Weather Satellite Imagery Center
wbIsIntellicast Satellite
wbc000Current Conditions: from Albany
wbc01Climatological Summary: OSU, NWS
wbc02Monthly Climatological Summary: OSU, NWS
wbc03Regional Weather Roundup: OSU
wbc04Public Information Statement:
wbc05Surface Reports: OSU All MA, Boston
wbc06UIUC Surface Summary: undecoded, with exact times, with names, ASCII Maps
wbc0Past 24 Hours Surface Meteogram
wbc17Meteograms (UNIDATA) (Raw)
wbc8Normal climate data for Boston, MA
wbcMassachusetts State Max/Min Table

Don't even think about using these statements unless you completely understand what you are reading and are fully aware of the difficulties of making your own weather forecasts and are willing to take responsibility for any errors you make, since these data are not provided by the NWS for public consumption.

wbm0Millenium Weather Northeast Winter Storm Page
wbm1OSU Massachusetts Model Guidance Directory
wbm21All Metropolitan Quick-Looks for the U.S. & Canada
wbm2Boston Model QuickLook
wbm30MRF (area): OSU
wbm31AVN (area): OSU
wbm33NGM FOUS (area): OSU
wbm34NGM MOS Boston: OSU, OSU 2
wbmNGM MOS Help Page
wbmNCEP Model Time-Series Forecasts for Northeast US Cities
wbs5Record Reports: OSU
wbs6Public Information Statement: OSU Archive
wbsS0OSU Severe Weather Bulletins
wbsf01Hydrometeorological Discussion (River Forecast Center)
wbsf10Daily River Statement: NWS, OSU
wbsf11Flood Potential Outlook: NWS
wbsf12Flash Flood Warning: NWS
wbsf13River Flood Warning: NWS
wbsf14Flash Flood Watch: NWS
wbsf15River Flood Statement: <-- RWUS42.KBOS --> NWS
wbsf16Flash Flood Statement: NWS
wbsf17Coastal Flood Statement: NWS
wbsf29Hydrologic Observations I
wbsf30Hydrologic Observations II
wbsf32Water Supply Outlook: OSU
wbsf33Flash Flood Guidance (Northeast River Forecast Center)
wbsf34Water Resources Summary:
wbsf35Area Hydrologic Summary (Including Snow): OSU
wbsf36More hydro statements should go here
wbv0National Weather Service, Taunton, MA
wbv1UIUC Massachusetts
wbv1UC Davis: Massachusetts Weather
wbv2OSU Massachusetts
wbv4Texas A&M
wbvMassachusetts Data from IWIN
wc0Climate Page
wcAlaska Climate Research Center
wcCenter for Ocean/Land Atmospheric Studies
wcNortheast Regional Climate Center
wcNortheast Regional Climate Center
wcGlobal Change Home Page
wcFlorida Climate Center Home Page
wcc0Global Warming Update
wccWelcome to Clim-Econ
wccThe Global Change Master Directory
wccClimate Impacts and Forcings
wccForcings and Chaos in Global Climate Change
wccStill Waiting For Greenhouse - extreme???? (I haven't read it carefully yet)
wcf0Climate Prediction Center (Text Only)
wcf1Climate Prediction Center Products
wcf1CPC - Climate Prediction Products
wcf1CPC - Climate Prediction Products
wcf2CPC - Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletins
wcf2CPC Products - Predictions Multi-Season Outlooks
wcf2CPC Multi-Season Outlooks - 13 Seasonal Outlooks Experimental Color Graphics and PostScript
wcfClimate Outlooks
wcfLong Range Outlooks
wcfSeasonal Outlooks
wch00National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
wch0NCDC Climate Visualization
wch1NCDC Interactive Visualization of Climate Data
wchNCDC On-Line Data Access
wchGHCN Region Selection
wchNCDC Get-View OnLine Climate Data
wchNCDC On-Line Data Access
wchNCDC Get-View OnLine Climate Data
wchNCDC: Get/View OnLine Climate Data
wchClimate Division: Temperature, Precipitation, Drought Data
wchCLIMVIS - Climate Division Drought Data - Graphing Options
wchCLIMVIS Information
wchFirst Order Summary of the Day
wchGraphing Options For US Summary of the Day Stations
wchGlobal Surface Summary of Day
wchNCDC Technical Reports
wchUnited States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN)
wchWorld Data Center A, Meteorology
wchWorld Data Center Home Page
wchThe Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages
wchGlobal Temperature Anomalies - A browser that shows surface and stratospheric temperature anomalies for the past 20 years.
wcn02World Climate - temperature and precipitation data around the world
wcn0The Climate Diagnostics Center
wcn1CDC Map Room Climate Products
wcn1Current drought severity map
wcnUnited States Climate page - Displays climatological information
wcnCurrent US crop moisture index map
wf0Kevin's Numerical Model Page - a thorough list of weather model sites
wf0Environmental Modeling Center, NWS
wfWeatherNet: Computer Model Forecasts
wfEnvironmental Modeling Center, NWS
wfEMC Info on the Ensemble forecasts using the Global Spectral Model
wfNOAA-NESDIS-ORA Forecast Products Development Team
wfNCEP Ensemble Products
wfNCEP Ensemble Precip Prob. Page (US)
wfECMWF Home Page
wfm0Millenium Weather Winter Storm Page - good links to model output
wfm0Allentown Weather Center - good links to model output
wfm1Forecast Models Page Atlantic Tropical Weather Center
wfm20FNMOC WXMap site (NLMOC mirror?) - Good output of MRF, NOGAPS, and AVN models
wfm25CDC Map Room Weather Products
wfm4NMC Ensemble plots out to 15 DAYS
wfmNGM Precipitation Type Decisision Values for NE US
wfmForecast Maps - especially for NE US
wfmCOLA/IGES Weather Forecasts
wfmECMWF medium-range forecast charts: days 3-6
wfmEuropean Forecast Weather Images
wfmPCMDI NWP Weather Maps for Continental U.S. (CONUS) Area
wfmPCMDI NWP Weather Maps
wfmWeather Model Plots (READY)
wfmWeather World Forecast Images
wfmECMWF medium-range forecast charts days 3-6
wfmNCEP Model Time-Series Forecasts
wfmFNMOC NWP Weather Maps
wfmFSU Gridded Model Forecast Plots
wfmNASA-GHCC Real-Time MM5 System
wfo1Osu Raw Model Output ETA/NGM FOUS
wfoDirectory of /pub
wfoDirectory of /pub/nws/nmc
wfoNGM MOS Help Page
wfoOSU MOS Output
wfoNCEP Model Time-Series Forecasts for Northeast US Cities
wfoFSU Raw Data
wfs0GrADS Home Page
wfsGetting Forecast Data from NCEP
wfvWeather Forecast Verification
wfzYahoo - US Weather Fronts Today
wfzYahoo - US Precipitation Forecast
wfzYahoo - US High Temperature Forecast
wfzYahoo - US Low Temperature Forecast
wfzIndian Ocean Forecast Map
wg00Meteorology Guide - very good on many topics
wgL00WWW Virtual Library: Meteorology
wgL0Weather and Climate Resources
wgL0Environmental Links & Weather Home Base Severe Weather,Hurricanes, Forecasting Models, Satellite Imagery, Maps, etc.
wgL0Wetter, Wolken, Klima (2)
wgL0Wetter, Wolken, Klima
wgL0Weather Mania -- A comprehensive resource for weather worldwide. Satellites, radar, temperatures, forecasts, links, and more!
wgL0Weather Information Superhighway
wgL0The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Meteorology
wgL0Allentown Weather Center WWW Weather Links Page
wgL1Georgs Wetterzentrale
wgL5Mid-Atlantic Weather Station
wgLBISD Science Curriculum Links - Weather
wgLWFOR Weather Control - Weather Links
wgLEverywhere you go, always take the weather with you......
wgLA Searchable Database of Atmospheric Science Servers
wgLAtmospheric Science
wgLWeatherNet: Cool Links
wgLWeatherNet WeatherSites
wgLWeather Software List
wgLWeatherNet Travel Cities Weather (WSI)
wgLAlaska Climate Research Center
wgLMajor Alaskan Population Centers (Weather Servers)
wgLAlaska-Polar Weather Links
wgLBabin's Weather List (Backup)
wgLJewels: Meteorology
wgLWeather and Climate Information - Globe Resource Room
wgLUSGSAtmospheric Sciences Links
wgLInteresting Sites
wgLMeteorology - Welcome from The Mining Co.
wgLAOL NetChannels Reviews Weather
wgLLycos TOP 5% Topic Meteorology
wgLAmerican Airlines Weather Services
wgLWeather Links
wgLInternational WebWeather Data Center
wgLInternet Weather Sites
wgLCCS Links! - Weather Related
wgLWeather FAQ (Weather FAQ Topic Index)
wgLOtson Weather Information Superhighway
wgLHalifax Weather
wgLSolent Weather View Links
wgLEINET Meterology and Climatology
wgLMeteorology and Climatology (Geosciences)
wgLPenn State University Weather Pages
wgLThe Weather Page
wgLMichael Bryson's Web Page
wgLHoughton & MTU Weather
wgLWeather and Climate Resources
wgLLookSmart - exploring World - Reference & Education - Science & Nature - Earth & Environment - Weather & Atmosphere
wgLLycos Community Guide News Weather
wgLLycos Community Guide Meteorology
wgLLinks to weather sites on the WWW
wgLWeather Information From Other Servers
wgLNFE Weather Page
wgLNWS Office, Talahassee, FL
wgLThe Weather Information Superhighway (NWS TLH, FL)
wgLWEATHER Topics & Links
wgLThe Weather Resource
wgLThe Weather Resource en español
wgLMeteorologian virtuaalikirjasto
wgLMeteorological and climatological resources
wgLsci.geo.meteorology data sources FAQ
wgLMeteorology FAQ Part 1-6 Intro
wgLWeather Page
wgLStarting Point - Weather
wgLEnforcer's Weather Express
wgLThe World-Wide Web Virtual Library Meteorology Weather Service Offices
wgLWWW Weather Links - The most comprehensive
wgLAdressen Wetter, Klima
wgLWeather, Meteorology and Climate
wgLTodd Gross' Weather/Astronomy Page
wgLWelcome to Weather Central @! - bad link?
wgLYahoo - Environment and Nature:Weather
wgLVirtual Library of Hampton Roads
wgLJohn's Monster Hotlist
wgLA list of Weather Servers (at WXP)
wgM1The Weather Channel Brasil - Tempo para o Brasil e o Mundo, The Weather Channel Brasil
wgM1El Canal del Tiempo - The Weather Channel in Spanish
wgM1EarthWatch Communications, Inc.
wgM2Yahoo Weather (Images - satellite, forecast, and radar)
wgM2Penn State University Weather Pages
wgMucar FTP Server
wgMwgopher Gopher Server
wgMunidata Gopher Server
wgMncsu FTP Server
wgMUnidata Gopher
wgMvortex FTP Server
wgMThe Weather Machine (WX) Gopher
wgMLSC Meteorology Department
wgMMiscellaneous Images from LSC
wgMUNIDATA Images +
wgMTexas A&M Weather Page
wgMThe Weather Visualizer - University of Illinois
wgMWeather Underground Homepage
wgMInteractive Weather Information Network
wgMInteractive Weather Information Network
wgMNCSU Weather
wgMUCAR Real Time Weather Page - still exists?
wgMThe Weather Visualizer (Direct Link)
wgMNice Text Version of the Weather Visiualizer
wgMOSU WWW Server (Raw Statements)
wgMUnidata WWW
wgMPSC Weather Center
wgMAnalysis, Satellite, Radar and Forecast Models
wgMLycos Global Weather Service
wgMUnisys Weather
wgMU. C. Davis - U.S. Data by State
wgMC4 Integrated Data System (CIDS)
wgMPersonal AccuWeather Radar Features Page
wgMThe Daily Planet
wgMScientific Visualization
wgMUofI Daily Planet Wx and Climate Resources
wgMWeather World
wgMCNN - Weather
wgMCNN - Weather Images
wgMGlobe Program
wgMWSI Intellicast
wgMKNMI-Weather Explorer
wgMFSU Meteorology WWW server
wgMFSU Meteorology Departmental Data Archive
wgMFSU Raw Data
wgMFSU Text Weather Data Archive
wgMFSU Text Weather Data
wgMFlorida EXPLORES! Home Page
wgMFSU Unidata Weather Script Utility
wgMTexas A & M Department of Meteorology
wgMMSNBC Weather Page
wgMNWS Data and Products
wgMSSEC Real Time Data
wgMUnidata - Software and Weather Data for Universities
wgMUniversal Weather and Aviation, Inc.
wgMUniversal Weather - Local Forecast Weather
wgMThe Weather Channel ® Home Page
wgMWeathernet4 (NBC)
wgMWXNet4 Weather Forecasts
wgMThe Weather Processor (WXP) WWW
wgMMSU Current Weather Maps/Movies - formerly a major site - left a nice message when it left
wgMcoweather Telnet (
wgMweather Telnet (
wgMWeather Underground
wgN0sci.geo.meteorology (Good Tropical Weather Discussions) (Only if you subscribe to ClariNet)
wgN4bit.listserv.wx-chase (some locations)
wgN6alt.hurricane (some locations) (some locations)
wgNDeja News -
wgRWMO Abbreviated Heading Decoder
wgRNWS Weather Charts
wgRWhat are degree days?
wgRWeather Consulting and Weather Information
wgRNorthEast Media of Atmospheric Science, including the NEMAS Education Pages
wgRWXP Heat Index Chart
wgRWXP Pressure/Altitude Correlation Chart
wgRWXP Wind Chill Chart
wgi0World-Wide Weather Images
wgi0UF AgriGator * WEATHER
wgi0World Meteorological Organization
wgi1Taiwan and Asia Region Weather Forecast
wgiEnvironment Canada
wgiCanadian Meterological Centre
wgiWeather Information
wgiLa Página Meteorológica (por DOGMA)
wgiPakistan Meteorological Department
wgiRussia's Weather - Main Menu
wgiWeather - New Zealand
wgiYahoo Weather Forecast - good International Coverage
wgiBBC Online - The BBC Weather Centre Online
wgiBureau of Meteorology, Australia
wgiEnvironment Canada
wgiEnvironment Canada - Your Window on the Weather
wgiDe WeerCourant
wgiUK Weather Links
wgiThe IABM Home Page - The International Association of Broadcast Meteorology
wgiServicio de informacion ambiental
wgiWelcome to Online Weather - UK Weather Links
wgiPronostico para Venezuela
wgiWorld Weather
wgiIPMet - Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas
wgiMalaysian Meteorological Service
wgiRussian Meteorological Network Web Server
wgiWeb Server Of Russian Meteorological Network
wgiROSHYDROMET - in Russian
wgiThe Met.Office Home Page
wgiInternational Weather Summaries
wgiBerlin University Weather Demos
wgiBerlin University Weather Information
wgiBerlin University Meteorology Homepage
wgiWeather Information
wgiIndia - National Informatics Centre
wgiIndia Meteorological Department
wgiClima / Weather OrbiNet S.A. de C.V.
wgiSouth African Weather Bureau
wgiMontreal Weather Center
wgiInternational Weather Links
wgiEnvironment Canada - The AES Green Lane Home Page
wgiDepartamento de Astrofísica (UCM), METEOROLOGIA
wgiUniversal's Worldwide Weather
wgiIndia Weather and climate - USA Today
wgiWelcome to WeatherOffice - the source for weather in Canada
wgiInternational Weather Bureaus Listing
wgiWeather Forecasts
wgiInternational Weather Forecast and Satellite Images
wgiWelcome to Environment Canada's Pacific & Yukon Green Lane
wgm0Bad Meteorology
wgmInternet National Forecast Contest (Forecaster's Toolbox)
wgmInternet National Forecasting Contest
wgmMIT Radar Lab Home Page
wgmSpecial Weather Topics
wgmSocietal Aspects of Weather
wgmWheeler Young Scientists Program
wgsAMS Journals Online
wgsBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
wgsPriorities of the Academic Community for the National Weather Service - BAMS
wgsAsking the Right Questions - Atmospheric Sciences Research and Societal Needs - BAMS
wgsMeasurements, Models, and Hypotheses in the Atmospheric Sciences - BAMS
wgsEffects of Recent Weather Extremes on the Insurance Industry - Major Implications fon the Atmospheric Sciences - BAMS
wgsInteractive Visualization of Climate Data on the World Wide Web - BAMS
wgsVerification of Public Weather Forecasts Available via the Media - BAMS
wgsDoes the Surface Pressure Equal the Weight per Unit Area of a Hydrostatic Atmosphere - BAMS
wgsEnsemble Forecasting of Hurricane Tracks - BAMS
wgsPerformance of an Advanced MOS System in the 1996-97 National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest - BAMS
wgsTropical Cyclones and Global Climate Change - A Post-IPCC Assessment - BAMS
wgsA Mesoscale Model Intercomparison - BAMS
wgsCNN - Research raises fear of dramatic temperature change during warming trend - October 2, 1998
wgsSpringer LINK Climate Dynamics - Contents
wgsGoddard Institute for Space Studies Research
wgsHow Will the Frequency of Hurricanes be Affected by Climate Change
wgsWill Climate Change Cause More Atlantic Hurricanes
wgsAtmospheric Publications Index, Full Entries
wgsSupplements to Atmospheric & Oceanic Publications
wgsAmerican Meteorological Society Homepage 1998
wgsAmerican Meteorological Society Home Page
wgsAMS Authors' Guide, 4th Edition, Revised 1 August 1998. Part II. Publications of the AMS
wgsAMS Journal Descriptions
wgsMGA on the Web
wgsMeteorological and Geophysical Abstracts on the Web
wgsMGA - Basic Search
wgsInformation about Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences E-Prints
wgsCOLA Technical Reports
wgsInterMet Magazine
wgsNWS Norman - Spotter Glossary Figure 6 - Sounding
wgsAtmospheric-Oceanic Sciences e-Prints
wgtMaturity of Operational NWP - Medium Range - BAMS
wgtAcademic Press Database Book Details
wgtWadsworth Earth Science Resource Center: Meterology Today: An Intro to Weather, Climate, and the Environment
wgtWadsworth Earth Science Resource Center: Meteorology Texts
wgtONLINE BOOK - Singers Lock - The Revolution in the Understanding of Weather
wgtiEnsemble Forecasting of Hurricane Tracks - BAMS
wgtiISI Citation Database Search Version 3.21
wgtiEnsemble forecasting of hurricane tracks Version 3.21
wgtiTropical cyclone track predictability Version 3.21
wgtiSensitivity of hurricane intensity forecasts to physical initialization Version 3.21
wgtiUnderstanding and forecasting tropical cyclone intensity change with the Typhoon Intensity Prediction Scheme (TIPS) Version 3.21
wgtiMGA on the Web
wgtiPenn Library-Library Catalogs
wgtiVerification of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Forecasts in 1995
wgu0NOAA Home Page
wgunoaa FTP Server
wguNOAA FTP Server Number 2
wguWeather Radio Brochure
wguMidwest Agricultural Weather Service Center
wguNortheast Regional Climate Center
wguWelcome to the NOAA NIC
wguNational Weather Service Forecast Office, Albany, NY
wguOSD Home Page
wguEnvironmental Research Laboratories Home Page
wguNOAA EIS Home Page
wguNOAA ESDIM Home Page
wguWelcome to the new NOAA Environmental Services Data Directory!
wguFleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
wguGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Home Page
wguWelcome to IGES
wguNational Centers for Environmental Prediction
wguNaval Meterology and Oceanography Operational Support Web
wguWelcome to the NOAA NIC
wguNational Weather Service Welcome Page
wguNWS Data and Products
wguNWS Eastern Region
wguFamily of Services Page
wguNWS Headquarters
wguWMO Information
wguOffice of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research
wguNCAR Home Page
wguDN - Re: Sick and Fed up with 3rd Class Radar - an post explaining our current radar system
wgvStorm Chaser Homepage
wgvNexlab Web Site
wgvTORRO: The Tornado and Storm Research Organization
wgvCentral Atlantic Storm Investigators - Severe Weather Text Archive
wgzNE Weather Homepage
wgzAlden Forecasts
wgzThe Weather Shops Home Page
wgzRepresentative maps, radar images and satellite photos.
wgzPC Weather Products Home Page
wgzAmerican Weather Concepts (AWC) Home Page
wlgThe GOES Gallery at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
wlgNOAA-NESDIS Satellite Image Gallery
wlgGOES DataBook
wlgOperational Significant Event Imagery
wll00Satellitenbilder and Satellitenbilder 2 - probably the other best listing of satellite images on the Web
wll00The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Meteorology: Satellite Imagery - a very good listing
wll00Live Weather Images - lots of links, but annoyingly organized
wll0Jack Jordan's List of Weathersat Sites (1995)
wll0Top Karten - Satellite
wll0Satellitenbilder - Archive
wll0Weather Mania -- A comprehensive resource for weather worldwide. Satellites, radar, temperatures, forecasts, links, and more!
wll1Co-ordination Group for Meteorological Satellites
wllSatellite Imagery on the Internet
wllList from FIT (Florida Institute of Technology)
wllWinMagic Satellite-Meteorology Page
wllWeather Satellite Imagery on the Internet, a list of links maintained by Gary Ellrod (NOAA/NESDIS)
wllWeather Satellite Imagery on the Internet
wllDennis Chesters's Interesting WWW Servers
wllWorld-Wide Weather Images at Reading, which includes links to all sorts of images mirrored from around the world (with FLI animations) and was a fantastic site until it became way out of date
wllWeather and Satellites - Otson Information Superhighway
wllWeather Imagery for Mariners
wllWeatherSite Satellite Images
wllWeather Satellite Image Links
wllMeteorological and climatological resources
wllaINDOEX Weather
wllaSatellite Images and Movies - good GMS links
wlle1A Meteosat Site - in Italian - a very good list of METEOSAT Links
wlleCRS4 Meteo
wlleEumetsat: Links to related sites - good list of links
wlleEdinburgh: UK Satellite images
wlleUPNA TSCMeteosatLinks
wlleWeather Satellites
wlln0GOES Data on the Internet
wlln2GOES Data Servers on Internet
wllnJOSS Weather Page
wllnReal-Time Weather Data Satellite Page - UCAR
wllnOklahoma Climatological Survey Satellite Images
wm0COLA-IGES Current Analyses and Observations
wm1The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Meteorology - Current Weather
wmGLOBE Visualization Home Page
wmAirport Information and Weather - international data
wmVisualize GFDL Data (Select action)
wmThe Weather Channel - Weather Maps
wma01WXP Surface Maps
wma03OSU Surface Images
wma05COLA-IGES Current US Weather
wma2WX Surface Maps - not working lately
wmaSome Meteograms: UNIDATA - still working??
wmaSurface Analyses for Selected Areas(UNIDATA) - still working??
wmaWeather Maps - some are all of North America
wmaWeatherNet: Radar & Satellite Menu
wmaMetropolitan Quick-Looks for the U.S. & Canada
wmaWeather Display
wmaSurface Maps
wmaCNN - Weather Images
wmaNational Jet Stream Chart
wmaFSU Surface Data
wmaFSU Upper Air Data
wmaWXP Satellite and Surface Weather Map - a good US composite
wmar000see also Boston Radar and Philadelphia Radar
wmar0NEXRAD Imagery Archives
wmar10Intellicast National Radar (Animation)
wmar11Intellicast National Radar Summary
wmar12Intellicast National Precipitation Totals
wmar13Intellicast NEXRAD Sites (Radial Velocity)
wmar19WXP Radar Images
wmar2WeatherNet Travel Cities Weather (WSI) - Good Local Radar
wmarUS Radar Summary
wmarUS Radar Loop
wmarAccuWeather National Radar
wmarPersonal AccuWeather Radar Features Page
wmarAmerican Weather Concepts (AWC) Text Only Home Page
wmarINTELLiCast: USA Cities
wmarReal-Time Weather Data Radar Page
wmarReal-Time Weather Data: Radar Page
wmarUniversal Weather - U.S. Radar w-Tops and Movement
wmarThe Weather Channel - Weather Maps - Doppler Radar
wmarThe Weather Channel - Doppler Radar - U.S. National
wmarAmerican Weather Concepts (AWC) Home Page
wmarNational Radar Mosaic
wmarWRAL OnLine - Doppler 5000 OnLine - North Carolina
wmarW*USA Television Doppler Radar
wmi00Weather Underground - great surface data and forecasts for all over the world
wmi0Climate and other Global Weather Images
wmi0World-Wide Weather Images
wmi0Top Karten
wmi0Weather Mania -- A comprehensive resource for weather worldwide. Satellites, radar, temperatures, forecasts, links, and more!
wmiDirectory of /
wmiDirectory of /pub
wmiInternational Surface Maps
wmiWeather data
wmiRussia's Weather - Main Menu
wmiOSU Global Surface Plots
wmiAnalysen und Prognosen - very good list for Europe
wmiCNN - Weather Imgaes
wmiLatest Surface Maps for Europe
wmirRadar - Straights of Finland and Eastern Baltic
wmirSwiss Radar
wmirDutch Radar
wmirSouth African Radar
wmirNorthern Italian Radar
wmirGerman Radar Images
wmirCzech Radar Data
wmirKorea Radar Image (Animation)
wmirBerlin Radar
wmirBonn Radar
wmirBrazil: Informações e Produtos de Radares
wmirGöteborg Sweden Radar
wmirSlovenian Radar
wmirEcuador Precipitation
wms6- to 10-day Outlook
wmsAir Stagnation Narrative
wmsHeavy Snowfall Discussion
wmsExcessive Rainfall Potential Outlook
wmsSpecial Excessive Rainfall Potential Outlook
wmsNCEP Prognostic Discussion
wmsExtended Forecast Discussion
wmsHemispheric Map Discussion
wmsQuantitative Precipitation Forecast Discussion
wmsPrognostic Discussion for 6- to 10-day Outlook
wmsWestern US Temp and Precip
wmsEastern US Temp and Precip
wmsCentral US Temp and Precip
wmsInternational Weather and Crop Summary
wmsU.S. Data by State
wmuWeather World Upper Air Images
wmuWXP Upper Air Images
wnFn0Zone Forecast: OSU, UCDavis, NWS: San Jose
wnFnShort Term Forecast
wnIr000see also National Radar and the WeatherNet Travel Cities Page
wnIr01Intellicast Nexrad Radar
wnIr02Intellicast NEXRAD Storm Relative Velocity
wnIr030Intellicast Regional Radar - San Francisco (Animation)
wnIr04Intellicast Precipitation Totals
wnIr05Intellicast Radar Summary
wnIr1The Weather Channel - San Francisco, CA
wnIr1Yahoo San Francisco Radar
wnIr1The Weather Channel - Doppler Radar - U.S. Regional - West Central U.S.
wnIr2CNN - Weather U.S. Southwest Radars
wnIr2CNN Southwest US Radar
wnIr3AccuWeather Southwest Radar
wnIrYahoo Northwest US Radar Summary
wnIrYahoo Northwest US Radar Loop
wnIrPersonal AccuWeather(tm)- kPHL
wnIrAccuWeather Philadelphia NEXRAD
wnIrUniversal Weather - Northeast U.S. Radar w-Tops and Movement
wncClimatogical Report

Don't even think about using these statements unless you completely understand what you are reading and are fully aware of the difficulties of making your own weather forecasts and are willing to take responsibility for any errors you make, since these data are not provided by the NWS for public consumption.

wnm1OSU California Model Guidance Directory
wnm21All Metropolitan Quick-Looks for the U.S. & Canada
wnm2San Francisco Model QuickLook
wnm30MRF (area): OSU
wnm31AVN (area): OSU
wnm33NGM FOUS (area): OSU
wnm34NGM MOS San Francisco: OSU
wnmNGM MOS Help Page
wnv0Weather Channel - Mountain View, CA
wnv1UC Davis: California Weather
wnv2OSU California
wnv3Texas A&M

This page contains links to forecasts, warnings, and other information served by other sites for the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. I am not responsible for maintaining any of the actual weather information. These forecasts are from a number of different sites. All of the statements on this page, except the commercial ones, were issued by the National Weather Service (mostly from their office in Mount Holly, NJ) - L. David Baron


See also National Statements.

wpFn0All statements for Chester County, Delaware County
wpFn2Forecast Discussion: OSU, PSU, NWS
wpFn3Short Term Forecast: OSU, (NWS)
wpFn4Coded City Forecast (5 Temperature/5 Precipitation): OSU, NWS
wpFn5Marine Forecast: OSU, NWS
wpFn6Eastern PA State Forecast: OSU , NWS
wpFn7Southern NJ State Forecast: OSU , NWS
wpFn8Delaware State Forecast: NWS
wpFnWeather Message 1: NWS
wpFnWeather Message 2 (???): NWS
wpFnForecast Discussion for Baltimore/Washington
wpFnAgricultural Weather Advisory
wpFo1Intellicast Philadelphia Weather
wpFo1Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Weather Forecast from the Weather Underground
wpFo2WPVI-TY 6 Accu-Weather Four Day Forecast
wpFo2Millenium Weather Northeast Winter Storm Page
wpFo3USA Today - 5 Day Forecast - Philadelphia, Pa.
wpFo4Weather Channel - Forecast and Current Conditions newsgroup
wpFoWeather Right NOW! @ Franklin's Forecast
wpFoLookSmart Forecast for Philadelphia, PA
wpIr000see also National Radar and the WeatherNet Travel Cities Page
wpIr01Intellicast Nexrad Radar
wpIr02Intellicast NEXRAD Storm Relative Velocity
wpIr030Intellicast Regional Radar - Philadelphia (Animation)
wpIr035Intellicast Regional Radar - Washington, DC (Animation)
wpIr04Intellicast Precipitation Totals
wpIr05Intellicast Radar Summary
wpIr1The Weather Channel - Doppler Radar - U.S. Regional - Northeast U.S.
wpIr1The Weather Channel - Philadelphia, PA
wpIr2CNN - Weather U.S. Northeast Radars
wpIr2CNN Northeast and Midwest US Radar
wpIr3AccuWeather Northeast and Midwest Radar
wpIrPrecipitation Maps
wpIrLocal (Mid-Atlantic) Weather
wpIrYahoo Northeast US Radar Summary
wpIrYahoo Northeast US Radar Loop
wpIrPersonal AccuWeather(tm)- kPHL
wpIrAccuWeather Philadelphia NEXRAD
wpIrUniversal Weather - Northeast U.S. Radar w-Tops and Movement
wpIrWeatherNet4 - Doppler 4000 - Radar of Maryland and Northeastern Virginia
wpIs0see also The International Weather Satellite Imagery Center
wpIsIntellicast Satellite
wpc000Current Conditions: from Albany
wpc01Climatological Summary: OSU, NWS
wpc02Monthly Climatological Summary: OSU, NWS
wpc04State Weather Roundup: OSU, (NWS) - This is a short roundup sent 1 minute before the hour.
wpc05Detailed Weather Roundup: OSU, (NWS) - This is more comprehensive roundup sent at 10 minutes after the hour. This includes stations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the Delmarva.
wpc065Regional Max/Min Temperature and Precipititation Table: OSU
wpc06State Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table: OSU, NWS
wpc07Public Information Statement: OSU, NWS
wpc08Surface Reports: OSU All PA
wpc09UIUC Surface Summary: undecoded, with exact times, with names, ASCII Maps
wpc10Radar Summary (From Harrisburg):
wpc12PA Weather Summary: OSU
wpc130Daily Rainfall Reports
wpc13PA Bi-Weekly Water Resources Summary: OSU
wpc14Area Hydrologic Summary (Including Snow): OSU
wpc15Meteograms (UNIDATA) (Raw)
wpcCurrent Conditions across state
wpcCurrent Weather Conditions - Philadelphia International Airport

Don't even think about using these statements unless you completely understand what you are reading and are fully aware of the difficulties of making your own weather forecasts and are willing to take responsibility for any errors you make, since these data are not provided by the NWS for public consumption.

wpm0Millenium Weather Northeast Winter Storm Page
wpm1OSU Pennsylvania Model Guidance Directory
wpm21All Metropolitan Quick-Looks for the U.S. & Canada
wpm2Philadelphia Model QuickLook
wpm30MRF (area): OSU
wpm31AVN (area): OSU
wpm33NGM FOUS (area): OSU
wpm34NGM MOS Philadelphia: OSU Willow Grove: OSU
wpmNGM MOS Help Page
wpmNCEP Model Time-Series Forecasts for Northeast US Cities
wpsFire Weather Forecast (NJ): OSU
wpsFire Weather Forecast (PA): OSU , NWS
wpsLocal Storm Report: NWS
wpsPublic Information Statement: OSU
wpsRecord Reports: OSU, NWS
wpsS0OSU Severe Weather Bulletins

Two question marks (??) indicate that a link may be incorrect, and therefore the statement would not show up if it existed

wpsf0Mid-Atlantic River Forecast Center (MARFC) State College, PA
wpsfCoastal Flood Warning: OSU, NWS??
wpsfFlash Flood Statement: OSU, NWS??
wpsfFlash Flood Warning: UNCC??, NWS??
wpsfFlash Flood Watch: OSU, NWS??
wpsfFlood Potential Outlook: OSU, NWS
wpsfFlood Watch: UNCC
wpsfMarine Weather Statement: OSU, NWS??
wpsfOther Marine Products: OSU
wpsfRecreational River Statement: OSU, NWS??
wpsfRiver Flood Statement: OSU, NWS??
wpsfRiver Flood Warning: NWS??
wpsfRiver Forecast: UNCC??
wpsfRiver ICE Statement: NWS??
wpsfRiver Statement: OSU, UNCC, NWS
wpsfRoutine QPF: NWS
wpsfWater Supply Statement: OSU, NWS??
wpv0NWS Mount Holly, NJ
wpv1UIUC Pennsylvania
wpv1UC Davis: Pennsylvania Weather
wpv2OSU Pennsylvania
wpv4Texas A&M
wpvPSU listing of weather products (defunct)
wpvPennsylvania Data from IWIN
wpvWeather Around the Mid-Atlantic Region
ws00NRL Monterey GOES-9, GOES-8, METEOSAT, GMS, Tropical Cyclone, Hurricane Satellite Products Images Movies
ws00DSRS Geostationary Satellite Images
ws0KNMI-Weather Explorer Satellite Images
wsThe Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
wsWeather satellite images
wsPSC's Make Your Own Weather Product
wsEarth Science Data Search and Order System
wsSatellite Oceanography Laboratory Composite Images
wsSeaWiFSBrowse 1998
wsWeather Maps, Images, & Movies
wsPSC Weather Center
wsEarthWatch Satellite Animations
wsUOW - TITR - Satellite Weather Images
wsCEOS CalVal Home
wsFNMOC Satellite Images
wsFNMOC Satellite Imagery
wsFSL Weather Products
wsWorld Weather Links - Latest Satellite Images
wsImmagini da satellite
wsReal-Time Weather Data Satellite Page
wsSSEC - Real-Time Data and Satellite Images
wsagSatellite Oceanography Laboratory GMS Data
wsapNOAA Images around Japan
wscFull Earth Composite
wseLa dernière météo
wsemUni-Köln Mirror of Nottingham
wsemMETEOSAT Images
wsemIndex of /quickMeteosatEurope/
wsemMeteosat Europe with Analysis
wsemMeteosat C2
wsemMeteosat D2
wsemMeteosat E2
wsemMeteosat-Animationen am DKRZ
wsemMeteo France Europe Sat 00Z
wsemMeteo France Europe Sat 06Z
wsemMeteo France Europe Sat 12Z
wsemMeteo France Europe Sat 18Z
wsemMETEOTEST Aktuelle Wetterprognosen
wsemMETEOSAT Weather Satellite Images from The University of Nottingham
wsemWest Cheshire College Satellite images
wsepPolar Orbiter Weather Satellite Page
wsepEuropean NOAA Images - bad link??
wsepNOAA (Europe)
wsepNERC Satellite Station, Dundee University, UK
wsg0GOES Enhancement Curves
wsg0Satellite Imagery FAQ 1-5
wsgJ-Track 2.5 - Weather Satellites
wsgColorizing GOES Weather Satellite Images Enhance Natural Color
wsgSatellite Imaging
wsgDescription of Weather Satellite Imagery
wsgSatellite Meteorology online remote sensing guide
wsgThe NOAA-CIRA RAMM Team Home Page
wsgEXPLORES! Satellite Resource Guide
wsn1Experimental Image Mapping - CONUS
wsn1Image Products Home Page
wsn1Coastwatch Images
wsnCIMSS GOES Home Page
wsnCIRA Archive
wsnGRetrospective GOES Image Products - information on ordering images, but also has information on the sectors and the images
wsnGGopher directory at
wsnGGOES-10 visible test imagery
wsnGNRL Satellite Photos and Movie Loops
wsnGNRL Index of /satfoto/
wsnGNRL Index of /satfoto/goes8_images/
wsnGGOES satellite image Loops
wsnGGOES Latest Images
wsnGSatellite Image of Argentina
wsnGFSU Tropical Satellite Imagery
wsnGNESDIS Office of Satellite Operations Web Site
wsnGReal-Time Weather Data: Satellite Page - at UCAR
wsnGSSEC G8 Full
wsnGSSEC G10 Full
wsnN000Satellite Products - WEATHER WORLD! BACK ONLINE!
wsnNFSU Sat Images
wsnNAlaska Satellite
wsnNGOES-EAST IMAGES and LOOPS - see also WEST Images
wsnNHawaii Satellite
wsnNCOD Satellite Page
wsnNNOAA-FSL Satellite National Image Loops
wsnNLatest Satellite Pictures
wsnNUCAR Real-Time Weather Data Satellite Page
wsnNReal-Time Weather Data Satellite Page - UCAR
wsni0GOES Special Bulletins - IMPORTANT
wsniGOES System Messages and Satellite Information
wsniNESDIS Office of Satellite Operations Web Site
wsniSatellite Services Division Home Page
wsnpDMSP Information Page
wsnpPolar Information Page
wsnpCIMSS POES Science
wsnpPolar Images around Hawaii
wsnpCurrent recorded LAC near infrared image from NOAA-14 Colorado State University Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
wsnpCIRA NOAA-12 Images
wsnpCIRA NOAA-14 Images
wsnpFSU NOAA Sat Imagery
wspPolar Orbital Weather Satellite Pictures And Astronomy Homepage by Lewis Duffing
wspAllt om Vädersatelliter
wspJTrack 2.5b1 - NOAA Satellite Tracker
wspPOES Satellite Products
wspAVHRR Oceans Pathfinder Homepage
wspDMSP Data Archive Home Page (NOAA Satellite)
wspPOMS Home Page
wspNOAA Polar Orbiter Data User's Guide
wtG00Joint Typhoon Warning Center, a part of the NPMOC
wtG01National Hurricane Center Home Page - includes Products, Tropical Cyclone Products
wtG02Central Pacific Hurricane Center
wtG04NOAA Hurricane Research Division
wtG06Colorado State Tropical Meteorology - Includes Tropical Cyclone Weekly Summary, Bill Gray's Forecasts
wtG07Tropical Cyclone FAQ
wtG1Hurricane Research Division
wtG2CIMSS Tropical Cyclones - has fantastic wind analyses and satellite images
wtGU. of Hawaii Tropical Storm Page
wtGCSU's Tropical Products
wtGUnisys Weather: Hurricane-Tropical Data
wtGHurricane Hunters Home Page
wtGMiami Museum of Science-Hurricane Main Menu
wtGTechnical Support Branch of the Tropical Prediction Center
wtGNPMOD Diego Garcia
wtGNRL Monterey Tropical Cyclone Homepage
wtGThe New York Times - In the Eye of the Storm
wtGHurricane '98
wtGTropical Cyclone Center
wtGThe Weather Channel - Tropical Update Index
wtGrObjective Dvorak Technique (ODT)
wtGrNew Tropical Cyclone Names in 2000
wtGrTropical Cyclone Name Lists
wtGrDvorak Current Intensity Chart
wtGrThe Dvorak Technique Explained
wtL02Atlantic Tropical Weather Center - If you can't find something for the tropical Atlantic here, it probably doesn't exist.
wtL04Millennium Weather Tropical Page - Gary Gray's links (very good list) and discussions. There is also another site with info and archives.
wtL06EXPLORES! Tropical Hurricane Information
wtL08WeatherNet Tropical Page
wtL0The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Meteorology: Marine and Tropical Weather
wtL10Taifun - A good site with tropical links by region.
wtLCrown Weather Services
wtLTropical Storm: Links
wtLScott's Hurricane Links Page
wtLJim Leonard - Hurricane Warning
wtLT-Storm Terry Faber's Tropical Atlantic Weather Page
wtLCharles Boley's Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
wtLJohn's Hurricane Page
wtLJCPB's Weather
wtLThe 1998 Hurricane Season
wtLCharles Boley's Tropical homepage
wtLThe Weather Resource-Asian Tropical Weather
wtLThe Weather Resource-United States Tropical Weather
wtLTracking and Hunting Hurricanes on the Web
wtLTropical Storm: Links
wtLTropical Cyclone Page at NOAA-SRH
wtLTropical Cyclone Centre Home Page
wtLYahoo - Society and Culture:Environment and Nature:Disasters:Hurricanes
wtM0OSU Tropical Models Directory: Atlantic, Pacific
wtM1UKMET, GFDL, and other NHC model text statements are available at FSU's tropical directory, UKMET is usually at 06 UTC and 17 UTC, and the others are usually 00-01, 06-07, 12-13, and 18-19 UTC.
wtM2Millenium Weather - Includes Trantech Output and Forecast Discussion
wtMUKMET Tropical Cyclone Model Guidance Text Statement
wtMTropical Model Forecasts - Eastern Pacific Models - most recent statement
wtMTropical Model Forecasts - North Atlantic Models - most recent statement
wtMTropical Model Forecasts - GFDL - most recent statement
wtMGFDL's Home Page
wtMGary Gray's Trantech Model
wtMSummary of TPC-NHC Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Guidance Models
wtMAllentown Weather Center TRANTECH Menu
wtSS00FSU Tropical Updates
wtSS02FSU Sorted Tropical Directory
wtSS04OSU Tropical Directory
wtSS06OSU All Current Tropical Statements (By WMO Header)
wtSS08IWIN Past 6 hrs Tropical Statements
wtSS1OSU Satellite Products
wtSSNHC FTP Server
wtSSInland Statement (Archive)
wtSSUnited States - Hurricane and tropical storm reports
wtSSOSU Damage Reports (FSU Archive)
wtSSOSU Local Statements (FSU)
wtSSWeather Web - Tropical Storm Warnings
wtSSNaval Pacific METOC Center - Tropical Storm Warnings
wtSa01Tropical Coordination Page - Current Dvorak T-Numbers
wtSa02OSU Current and Past Tropical Advisories: Atlantic (Local), Pacific, Indian
wtSa03OSU Atlantic Advisories Archive: Storm 1, Storm 2, Storm 3, Storm 4, Storm 5
wtSa04NHC Current Advisories
wtSa06FSU Advisories from:
wtSa08UNCC Advisories by statement, in: North Atlantic, Eastern North Pacific, Central North Pacific
wtSaCurrent Atlantic Tropical Advisories
wtSaChinese Tropical Cyclone Warning
wtSaUNCC Tropical Advisories Directory
wtSo04Tropical Weather Discussion (Atlantic) (NHC) (FSU) (Archive) (UNCC)
wtSo06Tropical Weather Discussion (Eastern Pacific) (NHC) (Archive) (UNCC)
wtSo08Special Tropical Disturbance Statement (Archive) (UNCC)
wtSo10Tropical Desk Statement (Archive) (UNCC)
wtSo12FSU Satellite Bulletins
wtSo16Monthly Summaries
wtSo19Tropical Satellite Statements
wtSoHawaiian Islands Satellite Interpretation Message
wtSoWestern Pacific Satellite Tropical Weather Discussion
wtSr00NHC Recon Products (Data Archive)
wtSr02FSU Reconnaisance Reports
wtSr04OSU Reconnaisance Statements Archive: Routine Flights, Cyclone Flights, Vortex Messages, Supplementary Vortex Messages, Dropsondes?, Dropsondes?
wtSr06Guide to decoding Reconnaisance Reports
wtSr3FSU Recon Archive: Atlantic, Pacific
wtSr4Latest Vortex Report: OSU, UNCC
wtSr8Plan of the Day Archive
wtSr8UNCC Latest POD (OSU)
wtSrUNCC Reconnaisance Data Directory
wtf0Bill Gray's Forecasts (Alternate)
wtf1Elsner's Hurricane Forecast
wtfHurricane Climatological Potential Intensity Maps
wtfJPL's El Niño Watch
wth00Unisys Hurricane History Page - Past hurricane tracks, Atlantic and North Pacific (East and West)
wth08The Tropical Cyclone Monthly Bulletin - A UK Met Office publication that summarizes all tropical cyclones with errors in the UKMO location forecasts.
wth1NHC Past Hurricanes Page, which contains:
wth4Past Central Pacific Hurricanes
wth4Hurricane History, All the history of The Big Ones
wth6Tropical Cyclone Images 1995
wth6Tropical Cyclone Images 1996
wth6Tropical Cyclone Images 1997
wth7JTWC Best Track Data
wth7Tropical Cyclone Best Track Data Site
wth7Archive of Atlantic and North Pacific Advisories (Alternate Link) - runs back to 1993
wth9Hurricane Felix - Ballooning Online Weather
wth9NKWC: Atlantic Tropics/Hurricane Bertha
wthNHC cyclone reports, Atlantic, 1958-1967, 1991-1995
wthNHC preliminary cyclone reports, Atlantic, 1958-1996
wthNHC cyclone reports, Pacific, 1988-1996
wthNHC preliminary cyclone reports, Pacific, 1988-1996
wthNHC Best Track Data
wthNHC best track data - Atlantic and E/C Pacific
wthhurricane FTP Server
wthArabian Sea Cyclone Images
wthHistorical Tropical Cyclone Images and Movies
wth1997 JTWC Annual Tropical Cyclone Report
wthLouisiana Hurricane History
wthTexas Hurricane History
wti0Live Weather Images
wti0The Goddard DAAC
wti1NRL Monterey Tropical Cyclone Homepage - various images from polar and geostationary satellites
wtiIndex of /Tropical/Gif/GifArchive/
wtiWeather Images
wtitropical surface analysis chart
wtitropical 200 mb wind 48 hr forecast chart
wtic0U. Hawaii Tropical Storm Page - includes many historical and current maps, Current Tropical Cyclone Tracks, and Summaries
wtic9PC Weather Products Home Page - maker of Hurricane tracking software
wticSome Hurricane Images: UNIDATA (Directory)
wtic1998 Atlantic Storm Season
wtic1998 East Pacific Storm Season
wticHurricane & Tropical Storm Tracking
wticNCSU Tropical Forecast Track
wticNCSU Tropical History Track
wticOSU Tropical Tracks
wticDMSP Tropical Cyclone Sample Imagery
wticNHC Recon Plot
wticHurricane Fernanada Images
wticHurricane Emilia Images
wtjUniversity of Colorado Weather FTP Server
wtjObjective Dvorak Technique (ODT)
wtjWill Climate Change Cause More Atlantic Hurricanes
wtjHurricane Impacts on the Coastal Environment
wtjTRMM Web Site - NASA - Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
wtjNOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory
wtjHurricane Research Division of AOML
wtjHurricane Research Division
wtjHurricane Track Forecasting
wtjVerification of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Forecasts in 1995
wtjDr. Jack Beven
wtjNCDC Technical Report 9601 - 1995 Atlantic Tropical Storms - Views from the NOAA Satellites
wtjSummary of the active 1995 hurricane season
wtjInland Wind Model
wtjSummary of TPC-NHC Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Guidance Models
wtjCAMEX-3 Latest News & Events
wtmNaval Meteorology and Oceanography Operational Support Web - European
wtmNaval Meterology and Oceanography Operational Support Web - Atlantic
wtmNPMOCW-JTWC's Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Operational Support Web
wtmf02OSU Marine, including Atlantic Marine
wtmf04OSU All Marine (File Names)
wtmfHigh Seas Forecast (Atlantic)
wtmfHigh Seas forecast (Pacific - 30N to Bering Strait, East of 160E - includes Pacific - Equator to 30N, East of 140 W)
wtmfHigh Seas forecast (Pacific - Equator to 30N, East of 140 W)
wtmfHigh Seas forecast (Pacific - Equator to 18.5S, East of 120W)
wtmfHigh Seas Forecast (North Central Pacific - Equator to 30N, 140W to 160E)
wtmfHigh Seas Forecast (South Central Pacific - Equator to 25S, 110W to 160E)
wtmo0Offshore Weather Data (Ships and Buoys) Good!
wtmo0Current Marine Data/Observations - best ship data plots, from Oceanweather
wtmo1NE Coast Wind Vector Plot (Forecast) (Directory)
wtmoNational Data Buoy Center - Real Time Buoy Observations
wtmoInteractive Marine Observations
wtsCarribean and GulfMex Surface Map
wtsIndian Ocean Forecast Map
wtsWeather Underground Africa
wtsWeather Underground Central America
wtt0World Sea Surface Temperature Map (Archive)
wtt0TOPEX Quick-Look & 10-Day Data Overview
wtt1Other Sea Surface Temperature Maps
wtt1SSEC - Sea Surface Temperatures
wttMonthly SST Anomaly Map
wttAtlantic Potential Minimum Central Pressure Graph
wttSST Data
wttAVHRR Oceans Pathfinder Homepage
wttNOAA/NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder Home Page
wttEnvironmental Products SST
wttCurrent SST Anomaly and Coral Bleaching Hotspots
wttSatellite Oceanography Laboratory: AVHRR Data
wttSeaWiFSBrowse 1999
wttBATS Satellite Oceanography Project (Today's Images)
wttTopex-Poseidon Equatorial Pacific Sea Level Analysis
wttOTIS Model SST Maps
wttWorld SST Anomaly Map
wttReynolds SST Analysis
wttNODC Online Data Access
wttThe Weather Resource - Full Earth - includes SST Images, etc