- My early news postings - All the articles I posted before dejanews archived (1994/September to 1994/December) and the ne.weather articles that they didn't archive (1995/July to 1996/August)
- Deja News - Articles by dbaron@mail.t-e.k12.pa.us - 1995/June to 1995/September
- Deja News - Articles by dbaron@t-e.k12.pa.us 1995/October to 1997
- Deja News - Articles by dbaron@netaxs.com - 1998/January to 1998/August
- Deja News - Articles by dbaron@fas.harvard.edu - 1998/September to around 1999/April (all these included in next query)
- Deja News - Articles by dbaron@*fas.harvard.edu - 1998/September to Present (However, regexp searches don't seem to work anymore, so this really needs to be replaced by an OR search of dbaron@{login{1,2,3,4,5,6},ice{1,2,3,4},is{01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10}}.fas.harvard.edu or something like that.)
- David on FONT, part of the CSS Not-a-FAQ
- www-style@w3.org from August 1999: "Inheriting" from a less-specific selector
- www-style@w3.org from June 1999: Re: CSS vs XSL, what is going on
- www-style@w3.org from March 1999: Vertical alignment: unsolvable and indeterminate cases - one of my most important articles, I think
- Deja News - Articles by dbaron@*fas.harvard.edu - September 1998 to present
- David in front of Lake Michigan, Evanston, Illinois, March 25, 2000, on spring tour with the Harvard Glee Club
- David in Valley Forge National Park (Valley Forge, PA), April 25 or 26, 1998
- David at the cantina for his departure from Netscape, December 2001
- David Baron, Chris Aillon, Steve Elmer, John Morrison, Blake Ross, July 2002
- David at the March 2003 W3C Plenary

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L. David Baron)