Philadelphia Area Weather
This page contains links to forecasts, warnings, and other information served by other sites for the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. I am not responsible for maintaining any of the actual weather information. These forecasts are from a number of different sites. All of the statements on this page, except the commercial ones, were issued by the National Weather Service (mostly from their office in Mount Holly, NJ) - L. David Baron
Status of servers:
- UIUC is no longer serving text data, and has been removed
- OSU is fine
- NHC is no longer serving text data, and has been removed
- UNCC seems to have disappeared, and is being removed
- PSU is fine
- NWS is fine (but more links can be added)
- Need to add IWIN links (see NWS site)
See also National Statements.
- Current Conditions: from Albany
- Climatological Summary: OSU, NWS
- Monthly Climatological Summary: OSU, NWS
- State Weather Roundup: OSU, (NWS) - This is a short roundup sent 1 minute before the hour.
- Detailed Weather Roundup: OSU, (NWS) - This is more comprehensive roundup sent at 10 minutes after the hour. This includes stations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the Delmarva.
- Regional Max/Min Temperature and Precipititation Table: OSU
- State Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table: OSU, NWS
- Public Information Statement: OSU, NWS
- Surface Reports: OSU All PA
- UIUC Surface Summary: undecoded, with exact times, with names, ASCII Maps
- Radar Summary (From Harrisburg):
- PA Weather Summary: OSU
- Daily Rainfall Reports
- PA Bi-Weekly Water Resources Summary: OSU
- Area Hydrologic Summary (Including Snow): OSU
- Meteograms (UNIDATA) (Raw)
- Current Conditions across state
- Current Weather Conditions - Philadelphia International Airport
Don't even think about using these statements unless you completely understand what you are reading and are fully aware of the difficulties of making your own weather forecasts and are willing to take responsibility for any errors you make, since these data are not provided by the NWS for public consumption.
- Fire Weather Forecast (NJ): OSU
- Fire Weather Forecast (PA): OSU , NWS
- Local Storm Report: NWS
- Public Information Statement: OSU
- Record Reports: OSU, NWS
Two question marks (??) indicate that a link may be incorrect, and therefore the statement would not show up if it existed
- Mid-Atlantic River Forecast Center (MARFC) State College, PA
- Coastal Flood Warning: OSU, NWS??
- Flash Flood Statement: OSU, NWS??
- Flash Flood Warning: UNCC??, NWS??
- Flash Flood Watch: OSU, NWS??
- Flood Potential Outlook: OSU, NWS
- Flood Watch: UNCC
- Marine Weather Statement: OSU, NWS??
- Other Marine Products: OSU
- Recreational River Statement: OSU, NWS??
- River Flood Statement: OSU, NWS??
- River Flood Warning: NWS??
- River Forecast: UNCC??
- River ICE Statement: NWS??
- River Statement: OSU, UNCC, NWS
- Routine QPF: NWS
- Water Supply Statement: OSU, NWS??

(Back to Weather,
L. David Baron)