Where This Site Is Listed
...a part of the International Weather Satellite Images.
This list excludes people's personal hotlists on which this page
is listed, but does list all sites through whose links people
have connected to this page. The information was obtained from a
log file of the webserver which records the "referer," or the
computer that had the link that sent the browser to the page
being read. It's been so long since I updated this, since I no longer have
logs that show referers, so a
up to date list is available through Altavista.
I also have links to a few other lists.
- Mentioned in the Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, March 26, 1996,
Section 6, page 3, "Getting weather data
on Internet is a breeze", by Dan Keating.
- Described in On the Main Line and in the Western Suburbs, in The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 11,
1996, Neighbors West, B2, by Reid Kanaley.
- WeatherNet cool site of the day, June 5-6, 1996.
- WeatherNet Servers Listing
- Lycos
- Yahoo
- WebCrawler
- Magellan
- World Wide Web Virtual Library: Meteorology
- The FSU/Explores! Satellite Imagery Page
- Excite
- AltaVista
- Infoseek
- National Weather Service/OKX Satellite Imagery Page
- UCAR Weather Page
- Weather Data FAQ
- Saltspring.com
- Albany Weather Satellite Imagery
- NerdWorld Satellite Images
- Colorado State Tropical Meteorology Links
- Weather Sites
- Metacrawler
- UNIDATA Pointers Page
- National Hurricane Center
- Journalist's Research Site
- NLightN
- Ameritech Schoolhouse Library: Science
- Ameritech Schoolhouse: Recreation Area
- GCMD Satellite Data Listing
- References in a Indian Satellite Page
- SavvySearch
- Allentown Weather Center Links Page
- Disasters Online in Real Time
- What's New Too
- ScienceNorth
(also Newer Site)
- Geoff Fox's Home Page and Weather Links
- Web Works Ltd.
- MaineStreet's Pointers and Search Tools
- WinMagic Satellite Page
- Dennis Chesters's GOES-Project References
- ? - Education
- Immagini dallo Spazio
- Franz Kuehnrich Weather Page

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International Weather Satellite Images)