Satellite Imagery Sites Listed
...a part of the International Weather Satellite
Imagery Center.
I will only refer to each organization once in this list, so that
if I refer both to a gopher and web site, I will probably list
the web site here. This section is quite out of date. I
see little point in maintaining it. I only created it at one
person's suggestion, and I don't have much interest in it myself.
There are many sites in the page that are not listed here, and there
are a number whose links have changed but have not been fixed in
this list.
- AARNet (Australia) (a.k.a.
- Berlin, Free University of, Institute for Meteorlogy
- Cologne, University of
- Colorado State University
- DMSP Browse Imagery
- Dundee University, NERC Satellite Station
- Edinburgh, University of
- Florida EXPLORES, Satellite Guide
- Florida State University
- German Remote Sensing Data Center
- GOES Project
- Hawaii, University of
- Illinois, University of, at Urbana-Champaign: Weather World
- Intellicast
- James Cook University
- London, University College of
- Louisiana State University
- Meteo France
- NASA/ARC/explorer
- NOAA Satellite Services Division (link is bad)
- Nottingham, University of
- Ohio State University
- Oklahoma Climatological Survey
- Purdue University
- ROBAS Satellite Images
- RSDAS Archive Browser
- Singapore, Meteorology Service of
- Space Monitoring Information Support Lab
- Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
- Utah, University of
- WeatherNet
- Wyoming, University of

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International Weather Satellite Images)